
246 Entries

Babbel is the world’s top-grossing language learning app, offering 14 languages from French to Indonesian, Russian and Spanish.

You could WIN one of five 12-month Babbel vouchers, worth over $150 each, by telling us in 50 words or less what the first phrase is that you would learn in your chosen new language.

Available for web, iOS and Android, the mobile app has a handy offline function that allows you to practice at home, on the train or even a plane.

Founded in 2007, today Babbel is the top-grossing language learning app. It was the first app of its kind and now has over 1 million active subscribers.

Meticulously designed courses guarantee to teach you language skills that are useful from the start. 73% of users indicated that they’d be able to have a short, simple conversation in their new language within five hours of using Babbel.


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Please note this competition is open from 24 May 2019 until 24 June 2019 and is only available to members of Mouths Of Mums. This competition is a game of skill – answer in 50 words or less. We are unable to accept entries posted via facebook. Facebook LIKE functionality is not a requirement of entry to this competition. The winners of this competition will be published on this page. Winners’ name and address will be provided to the promoter of this competition and prizes will be sent to the address you have in Your Profile. Please ensure your details are up to date so that you receive your prize.

  • toilet 😀

  • ‘I knew what I wanted to say but didn’t speak Dutch’ – I have an elderly Dutch Aunty who cared for me when my mother wasn’t able. Sadly no contact after parents divorced, migrated to Australia and she doesn’t speak English. I’d love to speak to her before it’s too late.

  • “Surprise, my love!” (In French)

  • Many blessings to you and your descendants. Russian.

  • I’ve always wanted to learn the beautiful Italian language and the first phrase I’d learn is “I love you” which I would then practise on my kids and husband!

  • Id learn to say “Where would you suggest I go for a great meal and a glass of wine?” in french.

  • Where may I buy an English dictionary? I want to send it to my friends at Babbel, so they can check the correct spelling of the word “phrase.”

  • Where may I buy an English dictionary? I want to send it to my friends ar Babbel, so they can check the spelling of the word “phrase.”

  • Hello, I’m Nicola, what is your name?

  • I have been learning French all my life, at primary school and on and off when I can since but I would really love to learn Spanish as well and with Babbel learning a new language sounds like fun, the first phrase I would like to learn is “Hello, My name is”

  • I would finally be able to talk to my best friend’s mother. She is very old and Italian. I would definitely say “Finally, Maria, I am able to speak to you in Italian and we can talk about gardening”.

  • I have a Russian friend whom I’ve known for years. I’d love to play a trick on her and reply to her in Russian one day! Something like “yes I agree”

  • “Is it just my husband who pretends he doesn’t see the dishwasher has finished or just mine?”

  • How do I open this accursed CD box? This seems a heck of a lot of work just to learn a new language. Why can’t we have implants and download languages like they seem to do in films. Much easier. Oh well….

  • Having traveled through Europe, one of the things I wanted to do most was to learn how to communicate with the locals! Now, I’d love to travel through France and be able to speak French, feeling like a local in the country full of love and romance!

  • Hello. How are you? Can you tell me where the best shops are?

  • Swear words are always funnier in another language!

  • I would like to learn greek as I am second generation and am clueless

  • Can you please tell me where the closest KMART is?!!!!!

  • show me how to cook that please

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