What better way to make your home delicious than to WIN the Kenwood Titanium Chef Baker!
To celebrate the launch of our newest sister site, Making HOME, we are giving away a Kenwood Titanium Chef Baker, valued at $869 RRP.
Baking becomes an uninterrupted pleasure with direct to bowl weighing and a delicate fold function for featherlight meringues and mousses.
The Kenwood Titanium Chef Baker also comes with a 7 litre stainless steel bowl, an aluminium K beater, a stainless steel whisk attachment, aluminium dough tool, splashguard, spatula and a 10 year motor guarantee.

If you’re on Instagram, jump over to the post on the @makinghomeau insta page and ENTER! It’s super easy and you’ll be super happy if you are the lucky one to win!