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EBay crazy? What bargain have you scored?

Are you an EBay shopper? Addicted to the thrill of an auction ending and bidding at the last second? I am totally EBay...

8 Answers

Nieces And Nephews Cash Out This Christmas (More T...

Surprise! Nieces and nephews take the top spot, ahead of parents, siblings and even our best friends when it comes to Aussie aunts and uncles’...

22 Answers

Is your spending bringing value to your life?

The more we have, the more we spend. It is human nature, I know that in this household we stopped being so aware of...

15 Answers

10 ways to optimise your tax refund (or any windfa...

Every now and again we may receive a cheque in the mail or a credit in the bank...

18 Answers

Is your budget baby ready?

Do you really understand what having kids is going to cost you in terms of finances? Some of us may research and budget, some...

12 Answers

Groceries: how low can you go?

What do you spend on groceries? How does that compare to what the average family in Australia spends? Money Smart has some great figures to...

24 Answers

Laziness is costing Aussies $1.6 billion

They call it the $11.6 billion lazy tax. And that’s the amount we pay as a nation for staying with our current service...

16 Answers

10 money savers that really make a difference

In our family money comes in and goes out at an alarming rate, and for us, day-to-day spending is important to stay aware...

30 Answers

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