
507 Entries

We are thrilled to be giving all our wonderful members the chance to WIN 1 of 2 Philips Avent 4 in 1 Sterilisers.

2 lucky mums will receive a Philips Avent 4 in 1 Steriliser valued at $169.95 which includes integrated dishwasher basket for hassle free pre-cleaning of bottles and accessories.

As if parents didn’t have enough to do! Sterilising baby’s feeding equipment is one of those little jobs there is no getting away from.

Philips Avent uses the hospital method of steam sterilisation that is quick and effective, killing 99.9% of harmful germs[1], without the use of any chemicals.

The Philips Avent 4 in 1 Steam Steriliser has been designed to make sterilising as simple as possible, sterilising up to 6 bottles in as little as 6 minutes!

This intuitive steriliser features an automatic shut-off for extra safety and less energy consumption, while the advanced display keeps you informed and lets you know when the bottles have cooled down.

Whether you want speed or flexibility, there is a steriliser in our range to suit your needs.


For more information, click here

[1] Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus agalactiae, Cronobacter sakazzakii, Salmonella enterica, Listeria monocytogenes. The test results are provided by an independent test lab.

Please note this competition is open from 2nd June 2015 until 2nd July 2015 and is only available to members of Mouths Of Mums. We are unable to accept entries posted via facebook. Facebook LIKE functionality is not a requirement of entry to this competition. The winners of this competition will be published on this page. Winners’ name and address will be provided to the promoter of this competition and prizes will be sent to the address you have in Your Profile. Please ensure your details are up to date so that you receive your prize.

Winners for this competition

  1. S. HallenanNSW
  2. N. WalkerVIC
  • And here she is again the same photo with many different mum names, entering comps multiple times with multiple mum names, this can not be fair to all us other mums with one mum sign in name.

  • It’s not for me but for my daughter in law who is expecting our third grandchild by Caesar section and won’t be able to breast feed.

  • Avent high performance should mean no more expressed breastmilk souring due to insufficient bottle sterilisation. Available milk to satisfy a crying baby will definitely make my life easier!

  • I wont have to use a pot and boiling water anymore!

  • What is going on with the same picture with different mum names making all these competition entries, is this fair??

  • Peace of mind. That’s what the Philips Avent 4 in 1 sterilizer does and in turn that means less stress for me.

  • It would make my daughter in-law’s life a lot easier, as my new grandson, born 5 weeks premi, has just come home, weighing in at 1.89kg, unfortunately breast feeding wasn’t an option so she has had to come up with plan B, so this fantastic prize would make her day.

  • It will give my daughter peace of mind and that makes me happy..Maleah is having her baby next week, a little girl after 2 boys!! With her caesar recovery and diabetes and gluten intolerance, she could do with one less thing to worry about…

  • Now my son is on the move it makes preparing bottles a lot harder, this sterilizer would help cut down preparation time and allow more time with my son

  • The 4 in 1 steriliser will make life easier by actually making it possible for me to sterilise my sons bottles rather than relying on my partner because cleaning bottles one handed just isnt possible!!! Although buying lots of avent bottles to allow me to go a day without bottle prep HAS been fun…..

  • The Philips Avent 4 in 1 Steriliser will let me breathe a sigh of relief and relax because the will kill 99% of harmful bacteria. The steriliser also has the benefit of saving me time and effort!!

  • Anything that makes life as a Mum easier sounds perfect to me.

  • Unfortunately with a 7 week old baby I still don’t have a steriliser! Using antibacterial tablets is all well and good, but I really think an amazing Philips Avent steriliser will save me so much time and effort, so I have more time with bubba 🙂

  • Being a first time mum I think I’m going to need all the extra time I can get so having this sterilizer will definitely help with this by making the task of cleaning bottles quick & easy!

  • This steriliser would save so much time & effort preparing bottles! I used only Avent products with my first child and with my second on the way I intend on doing the same. I would love this steriliser!

  • I am pregnant with my third child( 3 under 3) and my old microwave steriliser has broken after two kids…. How amazing would and electric one be!!! Time saver!!!

  • It will save me time that I could spend with my two children under 5 and newborn due in 18 days. Time is precious just like our children.

  • To have my own already here at my place when my nephew comes to stay yah

  • I have 3 children and another due in 9 weeks. 2 boys in school and my little girl in Kindy. Cost of my life is high and getting a gift is a blessing and a relief for my wallet.

  • Would make life easier to have bottles sterilized and ready to go for night time feedings as well as have them sterilize while out and about

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