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Midyear is the perfect time to refresh the kids’ school pencil case, so we’re teaming up with Pilot to give away five handy pencil cases bursting with FriXion pens and markers.

Midyear is also a great opportunity to hit reset on your goals by writing them down in your diary, journal or planner. With Pilot FriXion erasable pens and markers, you can revisit your personal and professional goals, revise them and renew them, ready for a successful finish to the year.

Choose from smooth gel ink, colourful felt-tips and handy highlighters in a wide choice of pretty colours. Write, draw, highlight and colour-code to get you on track for the rest of the year. FriXion pens and markers feature thermosensitive ink that can be erased through the application of heat generated by friction.


If goals and priorities change, or you kick them into touch – just flip the pen and use the built-in eraser for neat work every time.

Pilot FriXion pens and markers are available at Officeworks, Big W, major retailers and independent stationery suppliers, RRP $3.00-$7.85 each. For further information, visit Pilot.

This prize pack features a fabulous set of FriXion pens and markers in a handy reusable pencil case. RRP: $119.50 each.

Top Goal Setting and Planning Tips

Professional planner, Mariane Cresp says, “With the right tools and mindset, you can re-think your goals, refresh your focus and set yourself up for success in the second half of the year.” She shares the following tips:

1. Review – check in and see where you’re at. Think about those goals you wrote down at the start of the year and see what you have ticked off the list and what you have already achieved. Maybe you’ve finally started that side hustle you’ve been dreaming of, or perhaps you’ve hit a fitness milestone.

2. Celebrate – take a moment to acknowledge even the tiniest achievements. Celebrating these milestones not only boosts your motivation but also strengthens the positive habits you’ve been building. Mark them in colour in your planner. By creating visual victory logs, you see your progress and growth which helps remind you of how far you’ve come.

3. Re-define – now that you’ve taken a good look at how things are going, it’s time to rethink your objectives. Some might just need a little fine-tuning, like your diet and exercise routine, while others could use a complete pivot. Colour code them with highlighters, as this helps to visually see what needs be amended. I’m currently loving Pilot Frixion Light highlighters for their pretty colours and erasablility, as goals can easily be changed without messing up the page.

4. Map Your Progress – to stay on track, check in with your goals regularly. Mark off completed tasks on your habit tracker to help motivate you. Charting your progress can give you a boost to help you stay on track. As the year progresses, make sure to regularly assess your strategies and adjust them as needed. Jot down lessons learned and the insights you have gained, using each moment as stepping stones towards achieving your objectives throughout the rest of the year.

5. Create Time – schedule regular planning sessions in your calendar and treat them as non-negotiable appointments with yourself. Time block dedicated time for goal setting, reflection, and planning.

6. Stay open – they say ‘Life is what happens whilst you’re busy making other plans,’ so make sure you stay open to surprising opportunities along the way – embrace what’s to come, and keep in mind that every little step forward counts toward reaching those big dreams of yours!

Mariane Cresp loves planning, organising and stationery for self-care, productivity and mental well-being. She has 120,000 followers on Instagram where she shares her tips and tutorials with her followers.

Please note this competition is open from 3rd June 2024 until 30th June 2024  and is only available to members of Mouths Of Mums. This competition is a game of skill – answer in 50 words or less. We are unable to accept entries posted via facebook. Facebook LIKE functionality is not a requirement of entry to this competition. The winners of this competition will be published on this page. Winners’ name and address will be provided to the promoter of this competition and prizes will be sent to the address you have in Your Profile. Please ensure your details are up to date so that you receive your prize.

  • My kids need to win one of these packs because it will ignite their creativity, boost their learning, and provide endless hours of fun. With engaging activities and exciting challenges, the pack will foster their curiosity, enhance their skills, and create wonderful memories they will cherish.

  • We may have many pens and markers at home but everytime I try and use some of them I cant even get a line or a mark from them

  • With her first year of school, our daughter has a love of learning to draw and to write. To maintain this momentum will give her a great start to a bright future.

  • My daughter goes through pens like crazy at school, I’d love a new supply of these amazing pen packs to keep her going!

  • My 16 year old is currently in year 11 and the notes taking requires a good pen whilst the art visuals class she loves would benefit greatly from this set. This would see her through the rest of her high school years

  • My kids need to win pens for art because they adore local art shows. Quality pens would enhance their creativity, allowing them to create artwork that reflects their admiration for local artists and inspires them to showcase their own talents.

  • My eldest needs this pen pack. He constantly shares his pencil case at school with classmates and at home with siblings. Having a special set would reward him for the fantastic selfless behaviour he displays

  • My daughter Calista loves to draw,
    Pony’s, sunsets, gardens and more,
    These pens she would use all her days
    And would save my sanity this holidays.
    Because although she’s fun, sweet and polite
    she writes with her left but is ALWAYS right!

  • As a teacher, I would love these for myself! I teach sewing and the frixion pens are amazing for textiles because you can draw on the fabric and then erase the pen with the iron! The best!

  • My daughter’s creativity knows no bounds, and FriXion pens and markers would be the perfect tools to bring their vivid imaginations to life on paper. These erasable wonders would not only enhance their artistic endeavours but also teach them the power of revision and improvement in every stroke.

  • It takes away the stress and anxiety caused when a mistake is made. Draw, write, create till your hearts content. My daughter loves to doodle..these pens would be perfect for her.

  • My twin eleven -year-olds Are just starting to write speeches and join the debate team so I’ve been trying to find them a special pen to take to school and these would be perfect! Pilot markers have always been the best, and the Frixion ones look great !

  • With a little one who has just started school, he’s learning things so quickly and is so keen to express his creativity! This pack would help him along the way!

  • I actually need to win this pack for myself as I have just started studying a Certificate in HR and after years of making sure my child has what she needs, it would be great for me to now get nice and new things!

  • Because I’m way too stingy to ever buy them such epic stationary, they would be stoked

  • A brilliant prize pack fir my very crafty and creative grandchildren

  • Winning a FriXion Pens pack will turn my kids into creative ninjas! They’ll finally stop using spaghetti sauce for “art” and trade eraser smudges for magic ink disappearing acts. Say goodbye to our house looking like an abstract gallery and hello to fun-filled, fearless creativity!
    As a mom, I dream of a world without accidental ink tattoos on the couch or permanent “masterpieces” on walls. With FriXion Pens, my mini Picassos can unleash creativity without turning our home into a chaotic art installation! Let’s swap mom’s frantic cleanup missions for laughter and magical erasable fun.

  • My kids believe winning FriXion packs means unlocking magical creativity! They’ll finally stop “accidentally” drawing on walls, knowing they can now erase with ease. Time for art without the heart-stopping “oops” moments!
    My kids would adore winning a Pilot FriXion pack! Their creativity shines with colorful, erasable pens and markers, perfect for school and artistic expressions. FriXion’s unique erasable feature encourages them to learn from mistakes, fostering growth and imagination without limits.

  • id love the concept of erasable pens, it would change the world for the kids too. as they think pens are for big kids to use,hence they love to use pens, but with their little hands and learning minds, they need that extra kick that thier mistakes can be erased. love it

  • they love the idea of being able to rub out the pen

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