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5 Lucky winners will receive a Play School Concert Family Pass and Merchandise Pack including a great Play School Bear Pin Puzzle.

Kids Promotions in association with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation is excited to announce everyone’s favourite children’s television program Play School is heading on a national concert tour with “Humpty’s Showtime” as part of the celebrations of its 50 Year Anniversary on TV.

The concert will have Play School fans singing, dancing and jumping for joy as they see Humpty putting on his very own show. Humpty gathers the Play School toys to help with the big spectacular with starring roles for Jemima, Big Ted, Little Ted and guest appearances from other Play School favourites along the way.

Join Humpty and his friends in Humpty’s Showtime on sale now. For ticketing information please CLICK HERE!

Click here for Tour Dates and to secure your tickets TODAY! 

Bear Pin Puzzle from U. Games
Bear Pin Puzzle from U. Games

Please note this competition is open from 27th April 2016 until 23rd May 2016 and is only available to members of Mouths Of Mums. This competition is a game of skill – answer in 50 words or less. We are unable to accept entries posted via facebook. Facebook LIKE functionality is not a requirement of entry to this competition. The winners of this competition will be published on this page. Winners’ name and address will be provided to the promoter of this competition and prizes will be sent to the address you have in Your Profile. Please ensure your details are up to date so that you receive your prize. Please note prize tickets are not available for any Saturday or Sunday shows.

Winners for this competition

  1. K. Sciberras - RuzicQLD
  2. S. ElliceNSW
  3. M. MoschovakisSA
  4. J. Chan HicksNSW
  5. A. WardropTAS
  • Because to be honest I do feel like my preschooler misses out on a lot. Its hard to find things for her. The big kids love the cinema. She doesn’t so much.

  • me and my hubby would love to show our 2 kids what we grew up with watching, still a playschool fan and almost 30!

  • I’m always looking for ways to keep my kids entertained, and this option keeps me happy as well, remembering the fun I had as a child watching Play School.

  • My kids are huge Play School fans and I’m not ashamed to admit I have been for about 35 years myself. I would love, love, love to take them to this concert. It would be a amazing memory.

  • My baby and children absolutely love playschool. They have learnt so much by creating things and helped them become more active too with the singing and dancing. My asd child has learnt imaginary play too. I think they would love the opportunity to see them live.

  • Because my 3 year old daughter has never seen playschool live. She knows the names of ALL the presenters and the toys and she would be so thrilled to see them in person.

  • It would be great to have more than just the Wiggles. They are great but it just gets a bit full on when it is on repeat and when you are surrounded.

  • I would love to have a larger variety for my daughter more than just the Wiggles. They are great just not on repeat all of the time.

  • I’d love to take my littlie on a Humpty adventure with the Play School family. Creating music and imaginative new journeys to entice and engage my toddler and evoking memories that will last for years to come!

  • Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
    Singing to all the kids.
    Jemima was dancing,
    And Big Ted played the lids.
    Little Ted was playing the drums,
    Oh what fun, 50 years of entertaining,
    Great memories to have
    To share with my son!

  • Because my little boy loves play school, when they talk he answers there questions as if they are real lol so cute

  • I would love to win this for my 2 daughters so we can have a lovely family time.

  • I would like to win this for my niece – she is 2.5years old and loves to watch Play School -my boys really enjoyed this show when they were younger and I know she would too.

  • I remember Play School from when I grew up so it’d be a great day out for me and the kids as we can both sing along and enjoy the show!

  • Play School was the first show my two daughters took a liking to. Its not only fun and educational but on most days I learn something new to do with children that makes me a fun mum! We love PlaySchool!!

  • My 4 year old is obsessed with Play School

  • Play school suits my family as my 3 year old still watches it and my 5 month is starting to watch it too. I love that the inspire my children to do fun creative things.

  • I’m hoping they have their windows there so I can guess which one is picked, and do a little winner dance if I’m right! Clearly, they have never lost their novelty!

  • I’ve got a 4 year old, and a 2 year old as well
    2 parents who a game
    A car to get us there – swell!
    Get outside,
    Take our kiddies for a car ride.
    To playschool!

    *Sung to the theme of Playschool* 😉

  • Play school brings back so many great memories from when I was a kid, I know my baby is going to grow up to loving it. Would be so nice to be able to share a memory like this with her, she would have a blast

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