
180 Entries

7 lucky winners will each receive a bottle of the newest USANA immune-boosting product Proglucamune – valued at $77 each.

Our modern lives are more demanding than ever and most people can’t afford to have time out with sickness. With over 200 different viruses responsible for infecting us with a cold every year, people with a busy lifestyle want “insurance” against colds and flus and need a more effective way to stay fit and well, even when they are under stress. Good nutrition is the key to strengthening the body’s natural defences and helps you to remain focused every day, that’s where ProglucamuneTM comes in.

The unique formulation of USANA’s Proglucamune TM combines ancient wisdom with modern science, and contains four potent immune-boosting ingredients in one formulation – shiitake mushroom, reishi mushroom, beta glucan and zinc.

When combined these ingredients help immune cells to work faster and better…even under stress. This powerful immune supplement, specifically created for year-round comprehensive support, strengthens the overall effectiveness of the immune system and helps to maintain and improve general wellbeing.

To learn more about how Proglucamune works and what makes it different to other products on the market click here.

For more information or to order any of our USANA products contact our Customer Service Team on 1800-687-872 or visit www.USANA.com

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Please consult your GP before taking any supplements or vitamins.

Please note this competition is open from 14th August 2015 until 14th September 2015 and is only available to members of Mouths Of Mums. We are unable to accept entries posted via Facebook. Facebook LIKE functionality is not a requirement of entry to this competition. The winners of this competition will be published on this page. Winners’ name and address will be provided to the promoter of this competition and prizes will be sent to the address you have in Your Profile. Please ensure your details are up to date so that you receive your prize.

Winners for this competition

  1. S. SabatinoWA
  2. R. McCarthyVIC
  3. N. GattVIC
  4. A. DonohoeNSW
  5. K. GibbWA
  6. R. IlkyazVIC
  7. M. OkimotoQLD
  • garlic horse radish and vitamin C pills

  • Rest! I am in need of it so much and having a cold or flu gives me a chance to stop and actually get some rest with a legitimate reason!!

  • Hot lemon and honey drink

  • A hot totty which is honey fresh lemon brandy and hot water all mixed together, an oldie but a goodie

  • Honey & lemon with added Turmeric & ginger in it,
    It’s a remedy hit!
    Works every time,
    The antiseptic in Turmeric works fine.

  • Hot milk with brandy and a teaspoon of sugar

  • Raw Garlic, rubbed on toast or eaten straight, then pop two Codrals, it’s really the only way to get through the day!

  • Laying on the couch watching movies all day to let me body recover.

  • Homemade soup because it’s hot so it goes down easy and soothes the throat and it tastes delicious.

  • I keep healthy eating lots of leafy greens and zinc enriched veggies like lemongrass, peas, Wasabi Root, sun-dried tomatoes, Shiitake Mushrooms in winter. All my meals are based on these veggies.

  • Warm honey and lemon drinks, vicks on the feet with warm socks and homemade chicken broth.

  • Prevention is better than cure, so eat healthy, add garlic, wash hands, stay warm!

  • Eating raw garlic! It sure does beat those bugs in the game of GERM warfare!

  • Laughter
    – It truly IS the best medicine!

  • A long cuddle in bed, vitamin c and echinacea from the chemist and piping hot cups of tea with lemon, preferably prepared by my hubby 🙂

  • warm honey and lemon drink , followed by a warm bath then rub vicks into the bottom of my feet and then put a pair of socks on and into bed for me 🙂

  • Garlic and horseradish, plenty of water,rest and some immune boosting chicken soup. Works wonders

  • Honey and lemon tea or chicken soup. Both homemade passed down by generations in our family. It works! 🙂

  • Lemon and honey in a cup of tea to keep the whoa’s away!

  • Uninterupted snuggly bed rest. And not felling guilty about it.
    Warm Soup and plenty of love from the kids.
    A hot bath with essential oils and a hot drink of Manuka Honey and lemon.

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