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Does any-one still use the old cloth nappies?

choice of nappies.

2 Answers

How can I encourage my toddler to eat "finger food...

If I give my toddler “finger food” he will just play with eat instead of eating it. If...

3 Answers

How can I wean my one-year-old?

I’m starting back at work in a couple of months and want to wean, but bub seems most resistant. How did you do...

6 Answers

Did your baby grow out of lactose intolerance?

We have just discovered my son has lactose intolerance. We have been told he might grow out of...

4 Answers

How do you stop baby biting?

My 10 month old nephew crawls up to his dad and bites his feet! He bites everyones shoulders when they pick him...

3 Answers

Cloth or disposable nappies?

Which is better for the environment?

2 Answers

What foods help a 3 year old who is constipated?

Or 3 year old eats a lot of fruit but had been constipated for nearly 3 days

4 Answers

Is it effective to use a damp facewasher for a col...

can you use a wet facecloth to bring down temperatures in babies or should I use medicines

3 Answers

Any suggestions on what to pack for toddler lunch ...

Healthy alternative recipes or snacks for after school.

3 Answers

Has anyone got any tips for toilet training?

How do I get a 4yr old to get interested in going to the toilet?

1 Answers

How do you get bub to sleep through the night?

What age should bub sleep through the night.

2 Answers

How do I wean a baby that hates milk?

What can I offer my son who hates milk to help me wean him. He is almost 2 and I’d like to offer...

4 Answers

Do cough syrups work for babies?

I was told by a nurse both in a clinic and hospital that Cough and Cold medicines for children don’t work. SO why...

5 Answers

Anyone had a little one have a tonsillectomy?

Master 4 is off to the Dr tomorrow for a referral to an ENT. His tonsils are massive all the time and worse when...

3 Answers

How do I get my child out of the bathtub without a...

How do I get my child out of the bathtub without all the screaming and carrying on? I...

6 Answers

What should I look for in a new pram?

I currently have a (7year old) steelcraft strider. My only criticism of this pram is that it was too wide and the wheel...

8 Answers

Should I worm my family?

I had a birthday party for my daughter and discovered that one of the children had recently/still was infected with worms, should I...

4 Answers

How do I get my toddler to eat?

Getting my 21 month to eat is starting to become a chore. He will eats at daycare but barely eat much at home...

3 Answers

How do I get my four-year-old to stay in bed?

Every night without fail master 4 comes downstairs with every excuse under the sun. Hungry, sick, sore finger, needs to do a poo,...

6 Answers

Playgroup – To go or not to go?

I am considering taking my 2 & 3 yr old to playgroup next year, instead of putting them in preschool (financial situation isn’t...

1 Answers

Ideas for daddy-daughter date for Father’s day w...

Note: we live in the country with limited facilities around.

6 Answers

Any suggestions for dinner ideas to suit everyone?

So hard to please hubby and keeping it healthy for my toddler!

11 Answers

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