
She knows what to do but just won’t go. She will poo her nappy whenever we go out to avoid going to the toilet. I would like some tips from those that have been in a similar situation.

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  • When she’s ready she’s ready and nit a moment before, sorry to say.

  • organise a week to just stay home if possible, that way you dont have a nappy option.

  • I think they all get there when they are ready but maybe whilst she still has the option of the nappy she will continue this.

  • my daughter was doing this too but then just starting going to the toilet

  • give her another 6 month, by 3 kids are usually totally ready to train

  • Same, they are sneaks. We have about 3 dirty nappies a day, I keep catching her starting but then she wont finish on the toilet she waits until I put a nappy on for a sleep or we go out.

  • im having the same issue at the moment so feeling your pain

  • My daughter will be 4 in december an shes only been TTd for 3-4mths. Tonight is her first night with no nappy an shes woken up twice to go to the toilet. Im so proud of her. Fingers crossed shes fry in the morning.

  • I have just TTd my second, and it was so much harder than my first. for one they are completely different. with my first she could hold on for hours and hours, but refused point blank to actually use the potty/toilet. we spent a few days literally bribing her to sit on the potty for over an hour until she did a wee and after she had gone twice she got it. she has had less than 10 accidents ever.

    imagine my surprise when we couldn’t TT #2 this way (because I now see that my eldest was not normal) so we tried keeping her out of a nappy and constantly reminding her but she was constantly wetting her pants and she just didn’t seem to care. we waited a month and tried again. same thing. waited 2 months and she had magically gotten it. she has been TTd for about 6 weeks and is still erratic as to accidents, a few days ago she had 4 accidents in one day after having none for almost a week.

    I did find that we needed to get some pretty impressive toilet bribes. both our girls got kinder surprises as toilet bribes for the first few days (we are stingy on the chocolate so it was a big treat for them) and then gradually weaned them off.

    generally though if your child is not getting it, it might be a good idea to take a break. in my experience though give it a few days before giving up cos those first few days are the worst.

  • Just give her a break for a little while and start again, and give a lot praise or give a sticker when she did on toilet .

  • Im trying to follow all these tips but toilet training my twins is very hard
    my first son was easy
    but this time its very hard
    my daughter is a little better at telling us and using the toilet but her twin brother doesnt tell us at all.
    They are suppose to start kindy next year and Im worried

  • My daughter will be 3 at the end of May, and she still isnt toilet trained. She will tell us she needs to go and she will, but she is not wanting to wear undies. So I will just do what we are doing and wait for her to be ready.
    I have two other children (boys) aged 15 and 11.
    My now 15 year old he was almost 3 and it was so easy. I just said to him no more nappies, from that day he was dry day and night, the same with my 11 year old he was a little older, 3years 4months and I did the same thing. And that is what I will do with my daughter, just wait until she is ready and understands.
    I have seen parents try way before the child is ready and it is a long drawn out process, one that isn’t necessary. My opinion is all kids are different and who cares if they are little older before they are toilet trained. All my experiences so far have been stress free for both myself and children, and easy.
    Good luck 🙂

  • She will do it in her own time. Don’t make a ‘thing’ out of it. She may relate the toilet to bad things if you stress too much over it.

  • Try to relax, as know doubts she is bright and very aware that you have concerns, Trust me she will use the toilet when she is ready, By the time she is ready for school she will be out of nappies , relax and enjoy her.

  • I have to agree with Bridgetjayne – time is more effective than tips. She’ll get there.

  • following,
    struggling toilet training my 2.5 twins

  • Positive praise works a treat. Make out she is a big girl and big girls do this.. Maybe try little treats or parents when she does do it. Reward positive behaviour.

  • I think toilet training is one of the most hardest hardest things you every go through while your child grows.
    I just found that when i could see my son looking like he needed to go for a poop i would just put him on the potty or toilet and just make him sit there.
    Good luck she will get it it may just take a little longer.

  • Just be consistent. Every time you go to shops or before you leave take her to the toilet. Be patient with her and over exaggerate the praise you give her when she does one. Also keep tellign her its yucky to wee or poo in undies so we go to the toilet” get her some cute little undies she will be proud to wear around the house and just keep asking if she needs to go to the toilet at home and when at shops. Its frustrating i know, my two year old is in undies now, still being toilet trained and she had an accident in her undies 3 times today, some days she will be good and only do one accident but Today, it was a very frustrating day! lol

  • I just let her work it out in her own time. One thing that did help was as soon as we got home from anywhere, I would change her from a nappy to undies, and she really got the idea quickly.

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