
First time mum so I’m not sure how all this is meant to go. Any suggestions greatly appreciated because I don’t know what else to do.

She was doing pees and poos in the toilet fine, then all of a sudden went backwards. Mainly pooing her knickers sometimes wees. I’ve tried everything. Even down to offering rewards for pooing on the toilet and removing her privileges, TV time, if she fails to go to the poos.

She was going to a family member during work hours, so I’m not sure if that was part of the issues with her regressions or not. Didn’t seem to matter where she is or who she’s with, she just let’s it happen in her knickers. I’ve even witnessed her walk outside to the garden, poo her knickers and come back inside. I just don’t get it. Any advice? I don’t want her to be the stinky kid next year for prep.

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  • Each child develops in their own pace. Toilet training is a gradual process, and accidents and setbacks are as much a part of the process as the victories. Factors that can play a role is their body awareness, physical development, anxiety, changes in structure and routine, constipation

  • Not unusual at all.
    I would take a laid back approuch and most certainly rerfrain from negative language or a punative approach !

  • I have heard of this before (if that’s any comfort), and a bit of patience and repeated encouragement can go a long way.

  • Try and make it fun. Congratulate once done. A bit gross but could show her you going toilet? Maybe not the act itself but the aftermath haha worked for my boys!

  • Perhaps there is something that is bothering her or she’s had a bad or embarrassing experience going to the bathroom perhaps at your family member’s home. Talk to her and ask her why she does not like to go on the toilet anymore or what would make her happy to go again.

  • There is another mum that has asked a question about their young child regressing. Make sure you look at those responses as well

  • Encouragement and positivity will be the best attitude to have, even though I’m sure it’s so frustrating and hard for you. Hoping she overcomes this hiccup fast.

  • Hi everyone, just a quick reply to the current comments, I appreciate your suggestions but just wanted to add something extra so maybe you guys can help me a little more.
    I have taken her shopping and got her to pick out knickers as one comment suggested. She still pood them. Numerous times.
    Also I’ve done the educational TV and videos still to prevail.
    I’ve offered the tv for when she’s sitting on the TV.
    I do know my family carer was telling her it’s ok to poo her knickers where I was saying it’s ok but you just need to come and tell me so I can help you change them. The last few times she’s pood whilst being in my family’s care she’s refused to let her bottom be changed and has actually sat in it for around 2 hours.
    The tv privilege being removed has actually been the only thing that seems to be motivating her to try and use the toilet.

  • Don’t make a big deal about this try a different path by taking her shopping buying new pretty knickers and getting her to pay cash for them. Get her to pack them away in her draw and take responsibility for them. She might not want to dirty her new nickers. And if a accident happens get a bucket and washing suds and have her wash them and hang them out to dry. A Mummy job that lasts a lifetime.

  • I wouldn’t be punishing her. Don’t make a big deal of it just gently try. I think encouragement is the key. This happens with lots of children.

  • I agree with the other post, i would not be removing privileges but instead really encouraging her to try again and give it another go. Do you have someone in your family or close friends that is really close with your daughter who she might talk to about this instead of you? she might be willing to open up a bit more? worth a try otherwise maybe you could find a book or a tv show about toileting to see if this could potentially help. I wish you luck as I have a daughter who has regressed with something recently and i am at a loss as to why as it was working and then suddenly changed.

  • I don’t think you should remove privileges for having accidents. It’s part of growing up and it’s something that she is learning. I think maybe continue making a big deal of it when she does do the right thing and also be proactive whenever practical, i.e. ask her if she needs to go, or even when you think it has been a while, make her go to the toilet and have a sit down and see if anything happens.

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