
I’m currently breastfeeding during the day and giving him a formula bottle before bed (trying to get him to sleep longer) but I have now also started on purees typically one satchel a day at around 5.30pm. I really don’t know if that’s too much or not enough. I would really like to know what other mums feeding schedules are like?

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  • I think its just for testing food not much for making tummy full.

  • By 6 months I was giving mine a satchel or jar at dinner time

  • My LO was always hungry so started him on solids around 3 months. He loved a soft boiled egg for breakfast and pureed vegetables for tea. Never bought anything as I was always told there was too much sugar and salt in preprepared babies food which doesn’t help them distinguish tastes as well. Good luck with whatever regime you decide to take up.

  • Hey Amy!

    I give my baby solids for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I Always offer milk first.

    Goes something like –

    Wake up – milk followed by breakfast

    Milk before nap

    Milk when wakes up or before lunch

    Milk before nap

    Milk when wakes up or before dinner


    Milk before bed

    Then I feed throughout the night.
    I also offer water in a BBox cup with solids.

    I’ve red that solids before 1 is just for fun, milk is the main source of nutrition but just introducing to different foods – purées and finger foods also a mixture of proteins, dairy and fats. Like salmon or chicken, lamb cutlet or bits of thinly sliced steak, eggs, yogurt, and avocado etc.

    Hope this helps x

  • I have heard that formula doesn’t always help them sleep longer if they’re used to breastmilk.

  • Maybe spread the solids out over the day and include baby cereal and pureed vegetables. Milk is their main food until 12 months, so there is no real hurry. Introduce foods slowly at meal times.

  • When my baby was 6 months we continued our normal milk schedule and starting offering food in the morning and at night just so she could learn how to eat. After about a month, she got the hang of things and started eating at the same times as me along with the milk schedule. Now I offer food until she is clearly finished and shows she doesn’t want more food.

  • My bub is 7 months and we are doing BLW we give same amount of breastfeeds as this is primary nutrition and feed 1 or two meals a day. I offer soft veg, quinoa or lentels with peanut butter or apple puree. Ripe soft banana sticks, bread slices, thin strips of roast chicken, Porridge. Usually what ever we are having less the sugar and salt and in a soft form (if you can squash it between your fingers baby can squash between their gums. But breast is still most important at this age until 1. Try make sure there is iron at every meal also as they need more at this age. I serve the meal and let her self feed as much as she wants

  • This isa great question I’d be needing to ask soon so thanks for asking it as the answers are very informative

  • Our baby (8 months) eats vegetables (pureed) and things like shredded chicken. I pre-cook all his vegetables and freeze it in ice tray cubes. He eats three meals a day and plenty of diluted fruit juice along with two bottles per day. They soon let you know if they are full.

  • My kids are in school now but I used to feed them 3 meals per day same as us. When we’d be eating, baby eats too. Still keep a breastfeeding schedule- I used to basically breastfeed them after each nap. As to how much- if they are only just starting your baby may only half a jar, but she’ll tell you when she’s had enough.

  • My LO has just turned 6 months and she been on purées since 4 months.
    She’s bottle fed now since about 3 months and came off the boob on night feeds only (as I went back to work). She eats “a meal” morning day and night, but it’s he night (4-5pm) she loves the most! I only give her more if she opens her mouth and is excited for more!

  • Solids during the first year are only meant to complement breastmilk, not take precedence over it or replace any breastfeedings. It is more of a way to add textures to the baby’s diet, to allow the baby new experiences, and to help her develop hand/eye coordination through finger feeding. Your baby should still be allowed to nurse on demand, as your milk should be her primary source of nutrition until closer to the end of the first year. Continuing to allow on-demand feedings also better ensures your milk supply.

    Introduce your baby gradually to solid foods. Once she accepts them (it might take some time), continue breastfeeding as often as before and add solids as your baby’s appetite increases. A few bites once a day is enough in the beginning, but gradually increase.


  • My nearly 7 month old started solids at 4.5 months at daycare as he wanted what the others were having. Schedule is mashed fruit at 9.30, mashed veges at 11.30 to 12pm, then a fruit pouch at 2 30 for afternoon tea. They offer him bottles at daycare but he’s not fussed and if he’s home with me has breastmilk every 4 hours or so. We also do breakfast of weetbix and dinner is a sample of what we are eating for him to play with try. Its super messy but he loves food, so im not going to deny him all opportunities to eat.

  • At this age I think you’re doing all the right things! I would just make sure baby has the same amount of nappies per day and if not, decrease solids and increase milk for then xx

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