
My boy is 9 years, he’s my first born, and he has been on online tutor/extra homework or task (about 5-8 maths tasks and also 5-8 english task per week) since he was in early grade 3. It was all up to himself whether he wanted to finish it all in one afternoon sitting, or spread it out over the week, so long as they are finished by Sunday.

Moving on until term 4 of grade 3, I’ve signed him up to another program, online live classes, 3 classes a week (maths and thinking skills 1 hour, english and writing skills 1 hour, review 2 hours).

The reason for the extra program, is to boost him up for the coming OC test. He was use to the first program, it has become easy for him, though I still kept him on it, as there isn’t homework from school, and I want him to be occupied with some work rather than gaming or tv all the time.

Am I too strict, is this too much or am I a “tiger mum”?

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  • Gosh, this is a lot! And it’s all screen time, regardless of the activity. Research is proving time and time again the importance of play and allowing kids to be bored. It enhanced problem solving, resilience, etc. I would be led worried about test results and more concerned for his physical and mental health.

  • I think it’s natural to want to limit what feels like ‘wasting their time’ and fill it with things we consider to be better but it really depends on what he thinks. Kids (as well as adults) need downtime to process their thought, feelings and who they are. It may be worth having a discussion with your son to see if you’re on the same page.

  • As a mum, it’s natural to want the best for our kids, especially when it comes to their learning.

    However, it’s important to find a balance. At 9 years old, kids need time to play, explore, and just be kids. While the extra programs can be helpful, it might be worth checking in with your son to see how he feels about all the work. Does he enjoy it, or does it feel overwhelming?

    Consider giving him some downtime too-time to unwind and play without the pressure of tasks. Maybe you can set some boundaries around screen time or homework so he has a chance to enjoy other activities as well.

  • I think you know this is alot

  • This is far to strict for a young child. If you don’t want him to be occupied with the TV or gaming why not enroll him in some sort of extra curricular sport that he is interested in. You could consider a musical instrument that he might like or even art classes, circus class, acting class, anything that he interested in.

  • Sounds intense for a 9 year old

  • Personally I’m not too pushy about my kids with homework/academics at this point. There are other types of memories and experiences that can benefit them.

  • Wow, they don’t get homework?! My little girl started kindy this year and had homework 4 days of the week!!! I can’t cope as we have to do that plus extra reading time. Together with other things she does like dancing, jiu-jitsu and swimming, it’s a lot.

  • Kids need to be able to be kids. It does sound like too much for a 9 year old boy, it is good to push them but ensure its not too far because they can start to push back.

  • Yes I think this is too much ! You say the reason for the extra program, is to boost him up for the coming OC test. I think this may give an enormous pressure to perform

  • Think about other activities that will aid his learning besides specific lesson type learning. Sport can teach so much (even individual sports like karate). Musical instruments also assist learning. Also listen to the school, homework has been found to be ineffective so a lot don’t introduce it that young. Also, talk to your child. What does he want to learn outside of school? I’d fear burnout for a time when it really matters (yr 11 and 12)

  • Personally I think it’s a lot for a 9 year old. We all want what’s best for our kids but does he get much family time or time to play and just enjoy being a kid?

  • I think if you push him too hard when he is young, unless he is really enjoying it, it could make him rebel and go the other way when he is older. He does need some time to be a kid. Leisure time doesn’t need to be gaming, take him for walks, bike rides or play in the backyard. I’m pretty strict with screen time too.

  • It does seem quite a work load for such a young boy. If he’s OK with tho, I’d stick with it

  • This does sound like a lot. I’d give him more free time.

  • This sounds like a lot of extra work. Homework is not necessarily beneficial, he may be better off joining a sports team to learn social skills, relaxation and make friends. Education isn’t just about the academics. He needs time to develop other skills too and to be able to play and have fun.

  • Kids need down time, perhaps you could compromise a little more with him. It all sounds like a lot especially when he has school as well. Maybe you could cut it by half and see how that goes but explain that the extra hour is for him to do something other than gaming or tv but he can choose?

  • This sounds like a lot to me if your son doesn’t have specific problems. Limit his gaming and TV time, sure, but there are lots of other good things he could do with that time – read a book, sports, craft activities…

  • How much does he fight it? Does he have adequate family, friend, leisure, and physical activity time?

  • Personally I never focused too much on education outside of the school hours. At that age I found play dates with friends, outdoor activities, hobbies and sports more important after school

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