
At what age can I try miss two on peanut butter?

Posted by Liz, 26/09/13

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  • Pretty sure the recommendation is as early as possible these days so from 6 months. My 8 year old is anaphylactic to peanuts and we tried both our younger kids from 6 months under the recommendation of our allergist.

  • I gave it to my kids early, when they were able to eat solids. I don’t have any history of allergies in the family though so wasn’t worried. I’d say she’s old enough to try it now, so whenever you’re ready.

  • I was recommended to try under 1yr and preferably when still breastfeeding

  • I tried my daughter on peanut butter when I was weaning her on to solid foods. I don’t think there is an age that you need to try just whenever you are comfortable. If she is already eating solids she has probably had peanuts or traces in other foods.

  • I thought any time baby starts solids, smooth peanut butter

  • Right now is perfectly fine if your worried about allergies just a little off your finger and then wait and see otherwise sandwiches are wonderful

  • When ever you think she is showing an interest, my eldest took forever because he never minded sitting in soiled nappies

  • 2 is a good age. just keep an eye on her.

  • there are some good comments here

  • I let my children try peanut butter from 2 years of age 😀

  • How did she go with the peanut butter?

  • we tried on the skin first as peanut allergy also shows as a skin rash

  • Did you end up trying her and if so how did it go?

  • what did you decide? 🙂

  • What did you end up deciding?

  • 12 months is a good time but if you have allergies that run in the family maybe 2 years

  • Hope you got the answer you were looking for.

  • I think it was somewhere after age 1 that I introduced the smooth peanut butter.

  • Give her a little bit of smooth peanut butter on a spoon. You’ll soon know if she has a reaction or not- which is unlikely unless there’s a family history. 2 years of age is fine.

  • all 4 of mine had smooth peanut butter around 12 months

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