
My daughter gave some of her toys to a neighbour and school uniforms to a friend both then sold them on Facebook buy swap sell groups when they’d finished with them – I think it’s rude and would have thought they’d give them to charity – am I overreacting?

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  • NO! I hate when people do this. It’s just bad etiquette. Different if they’d paid you for them. Otherwise I think its taking advantage.

  • Yeah it leaves a bad taste in the mouth I agree. But is it worth saying something to them? Probably not. Just be careful in the future about passing things on to people who will take advantage

  • Technically, theyre no longer yours, so they can do what they like. I would be upset too and never give her stuff again

  • Your overreacting. You could of sold them yourself so that’s on you. If they were still good quality and they needed the money then all power to them.

  • I think you are overreacting. Now you know what to do with your unwanted items. Sell them yourself and make some money. Your daughter will join in when she is old enough. GUMTREE and FB Marketplace is the way to go to help keep things recycling and out of landfill.

  • Unfortunately once handed over there’s not much you can do. You should feel good that you’ve helped out another family without monetary gain. Karma might come around!

  • If they’ve had them for a reasonable amount of time then I think that’s ok. If you only just gave it to them and a week later, that’s a bit rude. Personally I feel guilty if I did that, even after a reasonable amount of time

  • If you gave them to them, and they used them for their intended purposes first., I don’t really think you can complain. Mind you, when toys and clothes have been handed down to us, after use I either: pass them on to someone else, donate them to a charity OR (with the donor’s permission) sell them and donate the money to charity.

  • Once it belongs to them I think it’s ok for them to do what the wish with them.

  • Maybe next time make it clear that you’d like them to do that after- once you’ve given them away I guess they can do what they like though

  • Whilst it may be disappointing, once your daughter parted with the items the new owners can do as they wish with them.

  • There was a local woman close to me who used to accept free/giveaway items and then sell them to make money. I do think its rude too

  • I think there are two sides to this.
    If your daughter gave them to these people on a buy nothing site (facebook etc) and then they sold them, yes i can see an issue with that, however, if she gave of free will, then that is completely fine. they could be in dire straights and need the money etc.

  • For me the question would be why did your daughter give them to her neighbour and friend – did she have any expectations on what they would do with them? Was she upset that they were sold on? I think it is admirable that your daughter rehomed the articles. Personally I would only give them away, but once they are given it is not my business what happens with them. Why are you upset at what someone else did? I would be proud of your daughter and ask if she was upset and you could use it as an intro to talk about managing money.

  • Yes you are overreacting. Once you gave them away they were theirs to do as they wish with. They did use them first.

  • Well, on the moment you gave them away, you don’t “own” them anymore. It’s not that they sold them directly on buy swap sell groups, but only after they used and were finished with them. We’re all making different choices in regards to things like this, it’s not a matter of good or bad.

  • I gave a lot of things for free on Facebook. After seeing people selling them few days latter i stopped giving away for free and selling them.

  • It is frustrating when your daughters generosity isn’t paid forward, but once your neighbour and friends received the items they had the right to do what they wish with them. Maybe they needed the extra cash or they are just not as generous as your daughter. Just be proud that you have raised a giving, caring daughter that makes this world a better place and hopefully she will inspire other to be just like her.

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