
Hi Mums, just wanting to know or get advice from other mums about kids in kindergartens. I have a 4 year old son my eldest he will be 5 in December and over the school holidays he had a virus and fought it off without any antibiotics all by himself which we are proud of. Since he’s gone back to kindergarden, he’s got another virus. What do other mums do to comfort and get rid of it? I have disinfected the floors, I’ve sprayed Glen 20 and I’m keeping him on Panadol it just doesn’t seem that all these colds flu viruses never go away and it’s not fair. Any advice would be welcome!


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  • Have a chat to your doctor or chemist about some vitamins.
    Lemon juice is supposed to work wonders on fighting viruses as is garlic.
    Lots of water & plenty of fruit & veg.
    Other than that, just let it run its course.
    Unfortunately in the first few years of school this is very common until the immune system builds itself up.
    Wishing you all the best and your son a speedy recovery.

  • Viral infections don’t require anti biotics. Plenty of rest, lots of water, keep warm, lots of healthy food..should bring him right

  • This is very common don’t worry it happens to start off with. But it’s worrying and very stressful too. Your doing everything right, I also use hand sanitizer and multi vitamins and makes sure he eats veges too

  • My grandkids have been sharing their coughs & colds back & forward all winter, hopefully with the warmer weather they will improve. I was told by my doctor to give them Vitamin C to help them get over the bugs.

  • Unfortunately kids will get sick but teaching them to was their hands frequently can help a little,masking sure they get a wide range of natural vitamins from healthy food and if they are fussy or picky eaters get them onto a good quality supplement

  • Children pick up lots of viruses and the like in their first few years of school. They are coming into contact with heaps more children and they are building up an immunity. If they have a good diet with plenty of fresh fruit and veggies and water they are on their way to becoming strong and healthy. You seem to be doing just fine. All the very best to you and your family. :-)

  • I give my kids a multi vitamin each day and i have found that has helped.

  • He is building up his immune system just by having a cold. Let it run it’s course and let his body build up the antibodies to fight it naturally. Plenty of rest and water. Vitamin C and zinc. Add garlic to meals. Colloidal silver. Good luck and well done.

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