
Has anyone experienced clingy behaviour from their kids while pregnant? I’m 6 weeks away from having baby #2 & my son is becoming increasingly clingy & only wants me. It’s almost at the point where he doesn’t want dad near him (poor dad!).  Is he in tune with my hormones? Or is it just a coincidental fussy phase he’s going through? Any advice would be appreciated! :)

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  • Also, clingy behaviour may intensify at certain times of development as children test out new-found independence (such as when they learn to walk) or during transitions (such as a pregnant mum, starting preschool, kindergarten or primary school, moving house).

  • I think in general a child that clings has some feeling of insecurity and seeks safety. A lot has also to do with the development of the character at this age, the identification process.
    Give your child love be consistent, prepare on what is coming by role play and books, do things together with you and dad and make sure you show your affection to dad so he may feel he can do so too.

  • It is extremely common for children to pick up on an impending new arrival & become very clingy.
    I am sure things will settle down once your new bub arrives but in the mean time I don’t think there is a lot you can do. Enjoy this bonding time by telling your child all about their new baby brother or sister, let them feel the baby kicking, tell them how they are going to be a wonderful big brother, it will get a bit frustrating when you need to get something done & have your toddler hanging off you only wanting Mum but remember one day he’s going to be a teenager & you will be lucky to get a kiss on Mothers Day! Enjoy this time while it lasts.
    Best of luck & congratulations on your impending new arrival.

  • my son was 22 months when his sister was born and the month leading up to it, he was clingy to the extreme! I was told at the time, that they sense that things are going to change and I guess they know they will have to ‘share the love’ once bub is born! My boy settled down once his sister was born- he went the opposite and was only interested in his dad! lol!

  • GEM1991, How one is your first child? Even at 2 1/2 with no baby expected our 2nd one is still sometimes clingy and wants to be picked up for a cuddle. He now has say please when he asks for a cuddle. It seems to be when he has had a day sleep which isn’t as frequent now or goes to sleep in the car. Trouble is he wakes up when we lift him out of the car and rarely goes to sleep again even if he goes into a bed he is used to so he is sooky.

  • i had a daughter in this situation so we got a baby doll & took care of it. when bub was born she said “is he mine? i’m gonna love him forever” and is super protective and we got to practice nappies & baths so she understood why all the changes were happening

  • Thanks for your advice ladies! And Ill definitely be trying out the role playing!!

  • I have just been through the same issue.
    They seem to sense something big is going on around them.
    I just tried to involve her with what was happening. If a baby was on the TV I would say bubbah then she would recognises babies then I started pointing to my belly and saying bubbah and getting her to kiss my belly.
    She was very jealous after baby was born and wouldn’t really want anything to do with the baby. She is now starting to get used to the fact the baby is here to stay and kisses the baby when asked and pats her etc.
    It really takes so e getting used to for everyone. But keep at it, it gets abit better

  • I’m 21 weeks pregnant with #2 so know how it feels:( my toddler always wants to be carried around. I get a sore back for lifting him up!

  • It may be a stage but more likely than not he knows something is going on! They can pick up on our moods incredibly well, not too sure how old your little one is but you could try getting a baby doll & encouraging a little role playing, you are going to need a little mummies helper! When bub is born also try wrapping or a carrier like a manduca! Babies of all sizes just want to be near their mums!

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