
My 3 year old daughter does wees in toilet, but she refuses to do poos in the toilet. She will only do it with a pull up on. I’ve tried to asking nicely, bribing with stickers/chocolates etc. Tried telling her all big kids do it. Not sure how to get her to do it, any ideas will be appreciated. Thanks.

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  • Our Daughter is nearly 3 and she has the same problem wee in the toilet but no poo’s we let her use her potty for poo’s l ask her why she won’t poo in the toilet and she is scared of falling in the toilet. Try your Daughter on a potty for poo’s instead of a pull up. Hopefully she will graduate to the toilet. That’s what we are hoping for

  • Good news.. Hope it all goes well with me too, will start training on January

  • It sounds silly but a lot of kids are actually scared of doing poos on the toilet. Have you tried encouraging poo’s on the potty instead?

    You can always do reward charts as well.

    Start small so if they go once they get a freddo
    Then the next time they have to go twice etc
    Start getting more poos before a reward.

    Or break some freddos or kinder choc or something into small pieces. Every time they do a poo on the toilet they get 1 piece of chocolate. They will soon learn lol.

    I found the reward chart worked really well along with making a huge deal out of it when she did a poo on the toilet. High five’s, dancing around etc. Lots of praise. Kids respond really well to positivity :)

  • I had a lot of poo-ey undies with my boys. But I offered rewards (chocolate) for a poo, and it did work eventually but not at first. I would watch my youngest like a hawk and look for his ‘tell’ for when he was about to do it. I would swoop in and rush him to the toilet. Often I was too late but sometimes we would make it there in time for him to finish it off. It takes time and patience. I know it’s hard. Best of luck.

  • I am also having trouble with my 3 yr old and poos on the toilet
    His twin sister does it and it almost toilet trained but not my son
    he doesnt poos in his nappy and Ive tried putting him on the toilet at the poo time,
    putting jocks on.
    I don’t know what to do

  • Yes she does suffer from constipation, but since giving her V8 juice she’s been getting better.
    Not long after putting this question up she’s done poops two days in a row in toilet. Bribing her with Santa will be happy and he will bring her prezzies if she does good, plus she will get prize from mummy at end of week.
    Thank you :)

  • It could be the water splashing wen the poo drops. Iv had This with both babies but Ive tought them both to put toilet paper in the toilet first and then do a poo. Its worked for me but only coz it stops the splashing and the noise of the splash. Good luck

  • Buggerit has some very good suggestions.. but seeing that she does pee normally, this probably isn’t the problem. Does she have constipation? I know my 2-year-old had some serious constipation and her doctor told us not to toilet train her until her poo is mushy (like mashed potatoes consistency) or else she’ll just hold it in. He also told us to put her on the toilet 15 minutes after breakfast, lunch and dinner as this is the most probably time for them to pass poo. Sit her with her legs perpendicular to her body and parallel to each other. Try to distract her and see how it does. Not easy, I know. I am not looking forward to toilet training either!

  • I bought a potty chair for my three. Some kids sit too high on the toilet and fear gets them. They think they are going to fall in. They would be so proud to show you they had done their business. We put the chair in the bathroom/en-suite, we took it on holidays and they kids even emptied it them selves. I also bought a Child’s Toilet Seat sits under the toilet seat attached to the toilet making the hole smaller for their bottoms thus making them feel they will not fall in. (Target $18) Or you could try a Step Toilet Trainer also fits over the home toilet. Take your child shopping and buy these items together and place it in the bathroom along with stickers and a sticker card. Rewards can help the process. Best of luck!

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