

My name is Thomas Aitken and I am a final year Product Design student studying at Edinburgh Napier University. This year I am working on my Major Project and would like to work with parents who have experience travelling with their children weather it be on a bus, train, airplane or even just going to the shops any form of travel applies. I would love to design a product that makes travelling with children easier and more manageable.

It would be great to hear from anyone who has experienced any difficulties or problems that could be improved when travelling with your children. Any information is helpful so please let me know.

Thank you so much for your time and I look forward to hearing from anyone and everyone,

Thomas Aitken

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  • maybe a camera that shows you if they are ok in their rear facing seat and you use an app on your phone. need universal phone cradle to go with it

  • Its mainly when they want to go to the toilet that is inconvenient , so makig sure they have bathrooms close by .

  • I have flown with my children been on a bus, train and in a car with them. I didn’t really experience any out of the ordinary problems. Public transport is a real drama, mostly because people are so rude and don’t like to help

  • My kids are fine travelling, but a friend of mine her kid seems to get sick a lot whenever travelling, wether it be by car or train ( spending time in a car etc for over a hour or so) Or it could even be going down the great ocean road in victoria (very windy) for more than 30 mins. Its kind of like the kid looses it feet and gets ill and confused, swety and basically has a panic attack. We all thought she would grow out of it but at the age of four it still happens. . She has tried calming medicine but that just seemed to make it worse due to the kids confusion, she has also tried a special kind of rubber band on the arm but that didnt help at all as the kid just kept taking it off.

  • If travelling by car, stop and take a break every 2 hours or so. Little ones get bored and parents need to get some fresh air and stretch their muscles. A good idea if you can stop where there is toilets. If you let them have drinks in the car, make sure the bottles/ cups are leakproof. If you have little ones still in nappies/ toilet training it is a good idea to have disposable change mats. They can be put in baby carseats/ booster seats in case of leakage. If you have space it is sometimes easier to do nappy change in your car boot.The boot base is flat, not sloping like your car seats are. You can keep a baby blanket in the boot (in something to protect it when not being used) to lay baby on and put disposable change mat on top of it.

  • Hi Thomas, I travelled by car (6 or 7 hr trip) and found my baby would cry or poo AFTER leaving the rest area. The car would stink like poo until the next rest area, which might have been several kms away (traveling on a freeway). Also when they are very small amd in a rear facing capsule you can’t see them – maybe a mini camera would help, there are mirrors but I always worry the sun will reflect off them and blind me or the baby!

  • Hi Thomas,
    I travel with my 2 year old all the time. At the shops and everywhere we go she tries to run away. Other than the child leash, i think there should be a bracelet attached to an app which you can activate on any smartphone in case your toddler runs away. The bracelet could activate a gps tracking signal so you can find the toddler fast and an alarm so you can spot your child faster.
    On planes my daughter slept most of the time so can’t help you there
    Hope that helps

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