
I’m planning a celebration brunch for 6 and would love to make eggs Benedict. Last time I tried to create the perfect vortex but it all got messy and my eggs went everywhere and took a very long time to prepare. If anyone can give me a recommendation for egg poacher they’ve used successfully I’d really appreciate it!

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  • if you are doing it for a brunch you can par poach your eggs beforehand then finish quickly in simmering water. but fist i usually use a deep pot of just below simmering water, i then give the water a slight spin before adding the eggs so they don’t stick to the bottom. make sure your eggs are room temp not cold, and don’t add to many eggs at once.
    but the best thing to do would be to pre par poach your eggs. so get a bowl full of iced cold water start poaching your eggs and as soon as the white is formed carefully remove the egg and put in the bowl.it will stop the cooking process. then simply when needed add to simmering water to finish the job

  • Hi, thanks I hadnt. All I’d seen were expensive special pans and we don’t eat poached eggs often enough to justify the expense or cupboard space for those. I googled the silicone moulds and they look easy to use so I’m going to pick some up from Robins Kitchen this weekend. Thanks for your post.

  • Have you seen those little silicone things you can get in kitchen shops? I think you crack the egg into them and they float in the water – no mess!

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