
My bub is teething and is doing loose motions about 3-4 times a day. His bottom is soooooo red. I’m putting QV and Dermaveen….. left him in open air (without nappy) for an hour, twice a day yesterday. It has got better, but is there something else I can do?

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  • oat baths are soothing

  • Swap out your wipes for a face washer with warm water. There wipes can also irrate it!

  • curash is gret, sudocream or bepanthan also. curash probably works the best

  • I use sudocream, I found if I put it on( reasonably thick) after her bath before bed she would wake up in morn healed almost completely sometimes it was completely gone

  • Firstly, make sure it’s just nappy rush and not thrush or something similar. Egg whites are great. They have protein in them which is essential for skin repair. Worked for me and mine

  • Aww poor little darling. Nappy rash is so so evil! My daughter had it really bad. Mum put me onto Zinc and Caster Oil cream. It is FABULOUS stuff! It’s very thick and sticks like you know what to a blanket hehe I tried literally everything and this was the only stuff that helped. Also a warm, wet, soft wash cloth instead of wipes is more comfortable on their little bottoms too. Fingers crossed you’re able to relieve it soon. Good luck x

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