
My partner and I will soon be moving house with our two year old son. We want to minimise the disruption to our son and don’t want cause him any stress. We figure that if we are both there and all the things he recognises are there then the disruption should be minimal. What are peoples thoughts on this?

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  • Unfortunately I’ve had to move so many times due to being in rentals and circumstances changing. I’ve always included my son in the moving process. I found it easiest to have some of his things ready to go so when you get to the new place there is something for them to keep somewhat occupied whilst you are moving things about. Toddlers are quick, so make sure you keep an eye on where they are at all times.

  • I’ve moved with young kids with no problems at all. We made it like a big adventure and something that was “super exciting” and let them help pack etc. I think a kids safe place is their parents so wherever they are is “home” Kids are really adaptable with most things so long as “you” remain a constant.

  • We have moved with toddlers and didn’t experience problems. We talked about the move, showed pictures of the new house, visited the new house, packed together and unpacked together. Where I myself find moving tiring, my kids were filled with excitement.

  • just saw the date of this story that popped up on my wall, figure you have a much older child now!! Crazy this came up on my wall huh

  • Give your child their own box to pack…packing with a toddler is a whole new experience…set up a box – remove the toddler. Put things in the box. Turn to get more things. Put them down. Remove toddler from the box, replace already packed things, put new things in, Repeat 25000 times. And be careful – they will try to pack the pets…

  • You may wish to tell him a bedtime story of a toddler who moved house and what happened when he did. Ensure he is with a babysitter or in care when the move happens. Try to maintain his routine and treat it like an adventure but with familiar items in tow.

  • I found that by taking something from a child’s current room, for example the curtains, and hanging them immediately in his new room, the familiarity allays many of the usual fears.

  • day care / baby sitter to make sure he is out of the way during the most stressful part also make sure he knows what is happening talk to him and explain it and then allow him to pack up his favourite things and his room (with help) then make sure your stuff is all moved with him out of the way except for his boxes and move them in your car with him so they are the last things to arrive with him and he can unpack them

  • Kids are pretty adaptable and also great at keeping things simple for you — if you have the option of your child having a fun sleepover at a grandparent’s place (or equivalent) then that might help, otherwise if you don’t have that option I’d try to turn the whole thing into an adventure to generate some excitement about it all and he may just want to help, even though you’d need to be patient in that case. Good luck and hope it all goes well for you!

  • I think just continue to talk to them, and make sure there bedroom is set up similar in there new house, good luck.

  • I’ve moved with small children & found them a huge help to keep ME normal. We talked excitedly about the new house, the truck and about the great things we’d be doing once we got there (we moved to the coast), maybe there’s family closer or a park you could talk about…. or visit before you move. We included them & in doing so nothing came as a surprise & we got to see the fun of it through their eyes. Best of luck!

  • We’re planning on moving on a day that he is in daycare and making sure that his room is set up by the time we bring him home.

    I do like the idea of taking him out to get something new to help him settle in.

  • Ive moved with small children before and never had a problem.
    Just tell them that soon you are all moving to a new house and say how exciting it will be.
    Take him shopping for something special for his new bedroom like a rug or new bed cover of his choice.
    Buy a new cuddly toy to give him the day of the move as his moving buddy.

  • I think you just have to try and keep things as normal as possible it could be a good idea if he could go to his grandparents if they are around that way he doesn’t see the new house empty and pick him up when at least his room is back to how he remembers it.
    Good luck

  • Thanks Bela, I hope you get something helpful too. :)

  • There’s a chance that my family might be moving soon too so I’ll be following this post. Good luck to you :-)

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