
We are getting married next year and are having our photos taken at a place that has woods/trees, playground, oval and soccer fields. We have us, four in the bridal party and (at the time will be) 3.5 yo daughter and almost 1 yo son.

Just after suggestions of any types of photos we should have done using this setting! Thanks.

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  • If you are having a professional photographer taking the photos, don’t worry, they are trained to find the best spots to give you the best photos

  • I found this question a bit late. I hope your Wedding went well and the photos turned out beautifully.

  • With the setting you have described I think black & white photos will look lovely! Nice poses around the trees, walking away from the camera, your photographer will be able to make some amazing suggestions & I’m sure your photos will be sensational :)

  • Google images and go to pinterest for things you loke. A good photographer should take control of the poses for you

  • fun pics on the playground sound great. some photos under the trees, walking away from the camera holding hands.

  • I love our pics walking down the gravel road away from the camera.

    Sounds like some fun playful playground pics could be nice too!

  • Are you having a relative/friend taking the photos or a professional ? Some novices take as good or better photos than professionals do if they have a good qulity camera. Make sure they aren’t going to top-dress the lawn area. I know somebody who enquired about using a particular park and asked the best spot to use. When they got there to take the photos they had to make a snap decision and use a spot that was shaded and it was the only area with no bare soil on top. Bear in mind that at some locations you have to get permission and possibly pay a fee. One thing you may be able to do which makes a great photo is if there there are wooden posts/rails – often at a path or edge of a car park, you can sit the children on it with you standing either side (- or sitting if you wish). You and your husband can stand in a clearing amongst trees for a photo too even if there are low bushes hiding your feet – a very romantic spot. Rather that just formal looking photos candid( relaxed natural) photos are a good mix – especially if the children are a bit camera shy. Sometimes you can get excellent photos without them being aware they are being taken – or it is too late by the time they do.

  • Honestly write yourself a list of all the photo’s you would like. Our photographer missed our family shots (which is disappointing) thinking he knew what needed to be covered with his experience.
    If you write a list then you don’t have to think of it on the day either.

    Good luck with your magical day.

  • Definitely get some fun pics at the playground! I have seen a gorgeous photo shoot of a family with the kids sitting in a huge old tree & the parents holding them.

  • The trees setting will give you some lovely romantic shots and the playground sounds great for some great photos with the kids. Most of all, enjoy it. You happiness will show in the photos.

  • Buy mr and mrs signs and words like love dream family! it really makes the photos!

  • fun and playful are always great like having the kids push you on the swing and then the other way around. hope it’s a beautiful day for you all.

  • Hi if you are on pintrest if not join, so many great photos to get ideas , my sister is getting married next March ,she did a search for wedding photos

  • Maybe head over to Pinterest and try to find some inspiration there!

  • sounds perfect setting,everything there romantic ones in trees and bushland, fun ones with kids in playground with you all together too.Romantic,family and fun, may your wessing be a great one

  • Hi Erin, There are some lovely ideas if you google ideas for wedding photos. My fav’s are the swing, around a tree and two hands creating a heart.

  • Im pretty sure the photographer will have lots of ideas to give you and many that they would of done many times before.
    Just make sure you have plenty done of just you and hubby tho and maybe a few funny ones of you both.

  • That sounds awesome!! Thank you

  • You and partner on a swing together while kids are playing and running. Something real natural and playful and fairy like.

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