
I have a family friend who is almost 16, who was sexually assaulted when she was 12/13. This was a very public experience for her with the police, court, and telling someone she thought she could trust. The man was never put behind bars because she was too embarrassed to tell police the full story. (please don’t assume she made it up, as this same man did the same things to me. I just kept it all to myself). Since then, she has been bullied, and still is with kids saying she wanted it, and she likes sleeping with older men. This is causing her to cut her arms and legs, and suffer severe depression. She doesn’t have the best relationship with her parents, and is seeing a counsellor but this isn’t helping. If there are others who have experienced something like this? How did you get through it?

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  • Aw bless, my heart aches reading this.
    My first would be
    * change schools
    * change psychologist

  • This is sickening. Kids know how to hit the hardest with hurting people. I hope you sorted it all out by now

  • How awful!
    Kids can be so cruel!
    This poor girl has been through enough!
    She is at that very difficult age with raging hormones which wouldn’t be helping.
    I agree a fresh start is just what this young woman needs.
    If possible, relocate her to a new area where she can move on with her life.
    Keep up with the counselling, she will need it.
    & surround her with support!
    Find something she is interested in, maybe a club or a sport, so she can meet some new friends.
    Keep reminding her that NONE of this is her fault. She was taken advantage of & sadly the person who hurt her pretty much got away with it.
    If possible, & it is what she wants, push for charges to be laid. She could be feeling let down because he wasn’t punished for what he did. She did nothing wrong but probably feels like she is being punished, she’s being bullied & tormented & he is just continuing with his life. Not very fair on her. She deserves justice.
    I hope this young lady finds her feet & is able to move on with her life.
    She didn’t ask for this to happen to her & its absolutely disgusting that it did.
    I hope she gets the justice she deserves & moves on to a bigger & brighter future.

  • I cant speak from a parents point of view but i cant speak from a child’s point of view and what she needs is a fresh start, go somewhere that nobody knows her story where she can pretend to just be a normal girl and medication also. Its not the devil its not the solution but it will help councilling plus medication plus a change of scene. I know its not always possible to relocate but she needs help! Before she tries to kill herself

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