
I have a 7 year old boy who suffers anxiety, a lot of which surrounds food. He is very restrictive in what he eats and will try nothing new. Ends up terrified, anxious and physically sick if we try. Have tried, slowly, rewards, nothing can get past this mental barrier he has built. He wants to try, just can’t make himself. Thought a psychotherapist was worth a try. Need for anywhere in Melbourne, any suggestions welcome.

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  • Yes, by the sounds of it you’ve tried your hardest and aren’t getting anywhere. I would definitely be trying further professional help

  • I think that would be a fantastic idea you never know he may just open up and they will have some great ideas on how he can progress with things.
    Maybe have a chat with your GP they should beable to recommend a good one in your area.

  • I would consider it. Also as a suggestion to try first before the psychotherapist is looking at Kids Dig Food. They are nutritionists who do amazing things with getting children to eat. They have a website and also are on facebook. Have a look, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain! Good luck

  • I’d ask your GP for recommendations, or contact your local children’s hospital – they can usually refer you on effectively.

  • What have you got to lose? At least if you try a psychologist and nothing comes of it, you’ve crossed that option off your list. Also, one psychologist might not be the right one for you so trying another one might be worth it as well. My son suffered from a similar issue and he saw a psychiatrist and it really helped. Think some of the help came from the fact that it wasn’t his mum or dad or any other family member doing the ‘help’. Often, children will listen to the exact same suggestions and take them on board if they are not from someone they know. Think I’d visit a GP and ask for their opinion about a referral to further specialised help. Sometimes took, not focussing on the problem helps. All the best.

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