
I have never personally celebrated Australia Day and was wondering how many people actually do

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  • After we just arrived in Australia in 2009 we did attend couple of time Australia day celebration at Sydney harbour. To be honest, I did’t know much about the meaning of Australia Day and why we celebrate Australia day. When I discovered that Australia Day celebrated the European settlement in Australia I was not happy anymore to celebrate this. We could see this day better as invasion day. Not something to be proud off

  • I’ve never celebrated, though when I was younger I tended to really appreciate the long weekend and an extra day to do something social with friends. It never really had anything to do with Australia Day, though.

  • I don’t. I have aboriginal family members, including one of my kids, and I can’t celebrate the day.
    So many people want to close their eyes to the atrocities from history and those still being perpetrated today. So many people expect respect without respecting the thoughts and emotions of our frist people.
    I’m very disappointed in businesses that backtracked on selling merch for the day. I feel like if you’re going to make a stand on something, make it. Don’t backtrack for money. The price gouging means they don’t need it.

  • Australia Day has many different meanings for people and it is always a good idea to reflect on what it means individually and as a family. Finding things to do on Australia Day that resonate with an individual and a family can be helpful in deciding what to do on Australia Day.

  • To tell you the truth I have never celebrated Australia Day I just dont seem to like it for some reason

  • We go to the local park for a picnic where there is entertainment for the children and music/bands playing.

  • We always have a bbq with family and friends. We are grateful for everything we have living in this country and it’s always an enjoyable day celebrating good food, sunshine and outdoor activities

  • We always spend the day and time with our family. We take the time to strengthen family relationships and ties and to reflect. It is important to connect as a family and to see how we can contribute to our communities and to make contributions to our communities and Australia.

  • We either celebrate it with friends at someone’s house with a BBQ or we go on the motorbike to the city, grab a cup of coffee and wonder around watching the festivities in the area. I don’t like how Australia Day has now become a complex and sometimes controversial holiday with diverse perspectives on its meaning and significance

  • We have an annual BBQ on the day at a friend’s house and have done for decades. There is a large group of us and we always create games to play (Aussie themed) and have a great time. My own family have started having an annual one too and I can’t do both.

  • I dont do anything special. I was not born here but have lived most of my life here so Australia is my home and I am very thankful for my life in this wonderful country. I always remember arriving here pregnant and with a toddler and not knowing a soul. within a few weeks my neighbour arranged a morning tea and instantly I got to know many in the neighbourhood.

  • In our 20s it was an excuse to have a rager and play the hottest 100 by the pool with a bbq going. These days I don’t celebrate it.

  • Each state always puts on a few different celebrations but the past couple of years I have not done a lot. This year I am planning to hang out with some friends and just relax and enjoy a few drinks and nibbles in the sunshine or head to the beach. My daughter is still quite young and wouldn’t stay awake for any fireworks type events.

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