
We are limited on space and need to put bub (3 months) and toddler (2 years) together in a bedroom. Has anyone tried this and do you have any tips and suggestions to make bedtimes easier?

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  • You gotta do what you gotta do. I would probably keep the baby downstairs in a travel cot or moses basket in the evening for easy feeding and once your toddler sleeps deep, you could put baby in the room

  • Me my eight years old, a 4 year old and a now 9 months old are sharing same room and we are sharing it since my little one is born. It is not hard to manage but it is definitely challenging at times.

  • Wow, you are very brave. Even now I would not consider putting my 19 month old with my 4 year old. Not until sleep patterns are well established. But sometimes it’s not that easy.

  • I’d be very careful, even the very best of intentions can go astray, two year olds tend to think they know how to handle most situations. Have you considered co-sleeping for the first few months?

  • I’ve had to do this but I was very lucky as at the time the 2 year old was such a heavy sleeper!

  • I need to follow this, we will be in the same situation one day unless we buy another house. I have a friend who had her two young boys together but the youngest kept waking the oldest & she then had to kids up a 2 am. 🙁

  • I havent had to do this thankfully. But if i was put in this position I would try to avoid it with my little boy. His 4 and just recently decided he hates babies! Needless to say we havent let him near any babies unsupervised since. It depends on your childs personality. If she is normally pretty good with bub and helps out there shouldnt be a problem. But if she tends to be jealous and constantly trying to get your attention than I would try to avoid it. Maybe ask her if she wants the baby to sleep in her room with her?

  • As long as the elder one is a heavy sleeper, it will probably be OK. One of mine I could actually clean her room when she was asleep. Now she is older if she is minded elsewhere and goes to sleep we can sit her up and put her dressing gown on her without her waking up. She just stirs. She is now too heavy for me to carry so I have to wake her up to walk out to the car. She is often asleep again within 5 minutes, the younger one usually partly or completely wakes up but is still light enough to carry and tends to wake more when he put his arms through the harness in his seat. We know when he is asleep because he snores. It always seems louder in the car.

  • Yes I have done this i have three kids and the oldest is a bad sleeper so we put our two year old girl and bubs boy together and we found if we settled our yougest child first so much easier than putting him in second incase he cried. My daughter is a good sleeper. We also had a sound machine in the room so we could settle the bubs if he became distressed before waking the older child. Once he was good and slepped through the night we moved him into his brothers room. ( the one who is unsettled at night). And have no issues with the younger one at all. We just told the other chid they were there to look after bubs while mum and dad were in the other room. It gave the older child a sense of been the protector. But when bubs did cry if we attended to it before it got out of control they seemed to sleep through it anyway which made it so much easier. And if we left it to long one of us just sat with the older one till they resettled which didnt take to long at all, Goodluck

  • I grew up sharing a room with my sister. It was fine…had usual sibling fights but it wasn’t bad. My kids have also shared at times (6 & 3) and again they did great.

  • By the time number three came along we had 4, 2 and newborn in the same room. Everything went ok most times, some fights out of the older ones but they settles down. Our main problem was we had to give up our bedroom for the children as it was bigger. Our fault thought a 2 bedroom house big enough and did not put 3rd room in , instead had a larger lounge room. As for when the first two were there, only problem was oldest child took the baby from the cot he was in and placed him on the floor. The baby was put in a different room but were back in same room at about 6-8 weeks old baby.

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