
How do you balance work and parenting, and what strategies do you use to ensure your children are receiving enough attention and support from you?

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  • We made the decision that I gave up work to be with the kids until they start school. But it comes with a lot of financial sacrifices.

  • It all depends if you work now that is hard trying to balance work kids house and partner but you should always make sure you step back and make time for your kids before you know it they all grown up

  • A strict schedule. It’s boring I know, but it is the only way to ensure your very small 24 hour day is split into all the priorities and everything that needs to be done, gets done.

  • I don’t think I give my kids enough attention!
    I try and take them somewhere nice on the weekends and that’s our time together.

  • I have found my daughter loves doing craft and stickers so I have bought lots of craft things and I let her pick one thing each night and we spend time doing it together. As my daughter is still young she loves to help me so I get her to help me load the washing machine and watering the garden. I have also found using click and collect or delivery the best since going back to work fulltime. It is hard but once you get into a routine that you think works for you it will be great. There is never enough hours in the day so just do what you can. You got this.

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