
Does anyone have a benchtop dishwasher? We have a small kitchen without one and a full kitchen remodel just isn’t on the cards anymore. Any recs. Are they worth it?

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  • My Mum used to have a Husqvarna small dishwasher, which she purchased from one of the big home shows. It could be used under a bench or on the counter top if close to the sink. You could clip it onto the tap, or plumbed in. She loved it as it only took about 20 mins. to wash all the breakfast & lunchtime dishes, then we did a separate wash after the night time meal. It held enough dishes & cutlery for a family of four, she moved house & it was left behind. Now has the usual big under bench dishwasher, but think she liked the small one better.

  • I’ve never had one personally, but a friend loved his. Mind you, he was single and childless, so didn’t have a lot of dishes as a general rule.

  • We got one designed for caravans, it was great from appliances online, delivered in a few days, we did need a tap adaptor for it but the best thing ever when we didn’t have a full.size one in our rental. But found that it didn’t heat the water enough so had the tap on the hot water setting for each cycle, awesomely clean dishes each wash.

  • Wow, this is news to me. I’m the only bench top dishwasher this household has ever seen

  • Well, you’ve got me looking now. That would be so good for my daughter in a rental. Apologies I’m no help with advice but if you have the bench space all good but I’d look into how it ets connected and where all the hoses hide.

  • I had no idea there was even such a thing – I must be living under a rock!
    Interesting though, I think I’ll need to look into one as there are always so many dishes and the like to wash each meal and snack time.

  • If you have bench space available for a dishwasher I’d suggest sitting a large dishwasher sized cardboard box on the bench to see whether you would be happy having it there. Things can be hard to picture until something fills that space.

  • I’ve had a benchtop dishwasher for a few years now and it’s been a god send with a baby/toddler. Just make sure you get the bigger size so you can fit all your plates and pots and pans in there. The smaller models sometimes don’t even fit dinner plates. Mine is a Devanti model (link below) which I got from Catch a few years back and I never had any issues with it.


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