
With travel restrictions eased, I imagine a lot of us will be traveling domestically and overseas. What can us new mums do to prepare for a flight with our little ones?

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  • I would love to know this too, we have a newborn and haven’t travelled since pre covid so would love to do so

  • Always have lots of little activities packed for little ones to engage in and see what the airlines offer too.

  • I always rely on a checklist for all travel, both domestic and international. Add everything needed for travel to the checklist. It really does help to list and check off all items, it will identify any gaps and any items needed.

  • I was told about a Cosigo- I definitely would recommend!

  • We will be travelling overseas with our twins in July. Unfortunately due to covid we never made it under 2. Now they are 2 1/2 and we have to book a seat.

  • Make sure you have your essentials in your carry on luggage. You don’t want to realise baby’s clothes are all in the hold after one of THOSE nappies.

  • I just got back from an overseas trip with my 9 month old, the biggest thing for us was to remember to have a bottle or a dummy ready when taking off and landing – this will help their ears pop and make the time on the plane easier.

  • When booking a flight request for bassinet seats! This way when bubs is asleep you don’t have to hold him/her the entire time. A plus Is also the extra legroom.

  • Get a light travel stroller/pram, preferably one you can take onboard the flight, like a quinny Zapp. Depending on where you are travelling to, make sure you have enough nappies etc, in case you will not be able to find a suitable brand at your destination.

  • All type of.snacks, just few small washable toys, colouring book. Just take the essential no more than that otherwise you will retreat needing to carry everything

  • Over pack! I travelled from QLD down to Sydney and then to the UK with a 4,2 and 1 year old. It was only myself, my mum, my children and my youngest brother who is autistic so my mums attention was on my brother quite rightly a lot of the time. I packed lots of their favourite snacks, lots of nappies, changes of clothes and of course delightful sugary bribery for them. Lollipops/dummies are great to help them adjust the pressure in their ears on take off and landing. I also packed colouring books, pencils, tablets, their favourite snuggle teddy and ink travel books. They come with an invisible ink pen and they get to “colour” without the mess. You’ll also find the staff are usually AMAZING at helping while on flights with things for the kids such as activity packs, extra snacks/drinks and even giving hot water or warming bottles for you.

  • Be overprepared!! It will ease your stress. Have a carry on with anything you might need. Extra things to remember which helped me with a 3month old travelling (his grandparents passed away so had to travel) – dummies for their ears on take off and landing, toys, phone/charger for distracting with videos, as soon as you get on the plane ask the flight attendant for water to make a bottle to have ready, get set up to easily feed baby if breastfed for when needed, ask flight attendant information about where to change baby, alot of planes have a bassinet for baby… if you are prepared you will be calmer which will help baby be calm aswell. Best of luck!

  • Their own wee backpack with a book, some crafts, colouring book with crayons, their favourite soft toy, their favourite snacks, clean clothes, nappies, nappy bags, wipes

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