
Wondering if any mums suffered broken or fractured bones through pregnancy or labour, and how did they fix afterwards if you’re breastfeeding please.

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  • I fractured my ribs a few weeks after birth as a result of bronchitis. It was horrible, extremely painful and took a while to feel better. I just needed lots of help with bubs, getting her in and out of the bassinet and picking her up to breastfeed was painful. If I had to re-do I would up my calcium during pregnancy for sure.

  • Only bone I’ve broken was my wrist as a teenager. You raise some very good points though, how does healing go when pregnant and\or breastfeeding

  • My friend broke her tailbone during childbirth she had one of those ring cushions and cool packs wasn’t much else they could do for her.

  • Hi mom, have been thinking about you and wondering how you are going?

  • Your GP/health nurse should also be able to provide you with techniques for breastfeeding if recovering from injury.

  • Hi mom, I am a little confused about which bones …but if you have any I do hope you are healing and coping and under good Dr care. All the best to you.

  • I am not sure how a broken bone impacts on breastfeeding; guess it depends on the bone… in any event seek medical advice.

  • No experience with broken bones during pregnancy – sounds unpleasant – poor you! :( I hope your GP and health professionals are giving you lots of care. :)

  • Drink lots of milk and take calcium tablets

  • oh dear poor thing. Can’t help sorry. A cast will help broken bones and hubby helping lots!

  • It would depend on which bone was broken. I don’t quite understand what would be different to if you broke a bone when not pregnant or breastfeeding?

  • No I didn’t. I’ve had a broken wrist as an 11 year old and broke my little toe when my kids were in primary school. The toe was interesting as it’s too small for a cast or to tape up. I just had to be careful for a few weeks. Made walking to tge bus stop to get the kids to school fun. Had to wear thongs as I couldn’t get shoes on, not so good during winter

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