
Hi, I’m a first time expectant mother and recently heard about the loss of mucus plug prior to labour. Just curious to know whether this is something that occurs all at once, or whether this can gradually come away?

Sorry if too much info, but yesterday after shower I had a thick jelly like substance when wiping down stairs, on two separate occasions – no blood though.. Does this sound like what I should be expecting?

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  • Mine was like pink spotting. Definitely a bloody mucus. I also got the runs the day before I went into labour which is very common.

  • eeuuww!! Gosh, I don’t want to read your post, the title was horrendous LOL I hope your issue with mucus is resolved x

  • Yep, that was my experience. I headed off to hospital and bub was born the very next day.

  • Discharge increases in pregnancy. I didn’t notice losing the plug in my first pregnancy or a show as they call it

  • Your mucus plug can come away hours, days or even weeks before labor. It can come away gradually or in one go, it can be thick and green like snot or stringy with blood. The mucus plug also regenerates :)

  • As the cervix thins ready for labour you get the mucus blobs ect this is all normal and can happen up to about 1 month before labour. Not everyone sees a mucus plug, trust your instincts, you will know, good luck.

  • im 7 days overdue and keep checking for the mucus plug!!! dont think i have lost mine yet :(

  • Everyone is different, I have cramping then a couple of hours later I get a little blood, sometimes that goo sticky stuff is just hormones and your body cleaning a bit out tmi but I get it during my whole pregnancy. You will know when your in labour, if you think you are sleep while you can, save your energy :)

  • Yes this certainly could be it it may or may not have blood but usually is jelly thick like and has a green clear consistency if that makes senese good luck whata very exciting time for you xo

  • lol yeah don’t google if you are eating!

  • Whatever you do DO NOT google mucus plug…the pictures I just saw have turned me off food for the rest of my life!! lol

  • SORRY FOR TOO MUCH INFORMATION……….yeah i just had a glob. And i also had lower back pains so i went to hospital and had a baby. Keep an eye on it and just check with your doctor or midwife because if it is the plug, then bacteria can get in to your baby but give them a call and check

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