
My daughter loves her rubber ducks but I’ve noticed that there seems to be a bit of mold growing inside of them from when water gets left inside. Does anyone have a handy trick for keeping rubber ducks with holes in the mouth clean so that we don’t have to keep buying new ones?

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  • Bleach and Sunshine do the trick.

  • My best suggestion however is to buy mold free bath toys !

  • They get dirty alright.
    I soaked them in nappisan too and you can close the holes indeed.

  • Yes you can glue the hole pr QV does runber duckie without holes!

  • If you can soak them in napisan and then put them in the sun that might work.

  • I used to just throw them away as soon as mould appeared.

  • Thanks everyone, I might give the vinegar a try. I’d already thrown out the old ones I’m just hoping to make the new ones last longer. I appreciate all the advice!

  • We usually put them in a bucket of vinegar once a week but still purchase new ones approx every 3 months, better to be safe then sorry.

  • Soak it in bleach or vinegar?

  • I am in the same position with my girl. She loves her rubber ducks as well. I try to make sure that all water is squirted out of the ducks when we’re finished but there’s bound to be some water left. Periodically I will put some white vinegar inside the ducks and let them sit and soak. Then I squirt it out and rinse it several times to try and loosen and remove whatever junk is inside.

  • we had same problem. I like the suggestion of gluing the hole to stop it from happening.

  • If its got mold, throw it away! That your best bet!

  • Cream cleanser does work in getting much of the grease and grim (mould) off, not all marks. Squeeze, leave then scrub

  • I suppose sucking cleaning stuff into it is a good idea. I’ve heard oil of cloves?! Is great for mould and is natural so maybe try sucking some of that into the ducky and leaving it to do its magic before rinsing really well.

  • Suck in pure EXIT MOULD. Shake it and leave it up high out of the way for 24 hours.
    Empty Wash out thoroughly. I would also block up the hold with superglue so no more water gets in. If your child like squirting things buy a few water squirters from a party shop.

  • Sadky I Think it’s probably throw it away, I was in the same boat recently and ended up tossing most of the toys.

  • I haven’t found a way that work either! I just bought a new one as I couldn’t completely clean it.

  • I want to clarify my previous answer. I meant to say block the hole to stop any liquid getting in. Sorry for the error! lol!!!

  • My first thought would be wash the ducky out well with hot soapy water and rinse out well. Put ducky in a position where he/she will drain well and air dry. A bit of white vinegar in the rinse water may help. Failing that block the hole so liquid can get in but then ducky may lose his quack!

  • I have never found a way. I have tried soaking them but it didn’t work. Just throw them out and get new ones.

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