
I’m 6 weeks postpartum and have seemingly low milk supply. We are supplement feeding with formula, and I feel like I feed and pump all day and night. I’m so invested in being able to breastfeed as I missed out with my first. I am getting mixed advice. Should I listen to the naysayers who have told me to give up or keep fighting for what I believe in and dream of?

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  • Do what you blieve in yourself !
    This article might give you some helpful advise

  • If you want to BF, definitely stick it out. You should be pumping at least 8 times a day to increase supply. Also read up about “power pumping” try see if you can see a lactation consultant and if all else fails get a script from your GP for domperidone which helps increase supply. Don’t give up if it’s what you really want in your heart xx

  • Hi Mumma, it is definitely a difficult situation I was in your shoes before as I am very pro breastfeeding seen a lactation consultant and had to pump and latch all day as well. I guess ultimately you have to look after yourself and choose whatever works for you and bubba. Fed is best !

  • it is up to you and you alone who can decided what is best for you and your baby, you can listen to advise but like i said it is up to you to decide what is best, i wish you all the best and enjoy your time with the little one

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