
I have always believed in Angels but had never asked for their help until recently. Visiting a friend, she told me how she had lost her garage remote control four days ago. While there I helped her search her house and car again for it. We searched everywhere without any luck. So, on a whim, I decided to ask the Angels out loud to help my friend in finding it. Ten minutes after our failed searching my friend and I decided to drive to a local cafe for lunch. As we got into her car we were utterly amazed to find her remote control sitting on the drivers seat!! I swear this is a true story and have since heard numerous other stories of people being helped by Angels. Please share your stories.

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  • Christianity teaches that there are angels, made by God, for God’s service. They are messengers and were there at the birth of Jesus (eg Gabriel announcing to Mary; the throngs of angels over the stable). They are made to serve and guide people. “Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?” (Hebrews 1:14) So yes, as a Christian I believe in the bible and the angelic records there, although I’m not 100% sure I’ve ever encountered one personally. The Roman Catholic church teachers we all have a guardian angel that personally attends to us. Again I feel I have encountered ‘guidance’ but have not perceived a creature or anything strange. At those times of key decisions or steps (often seen with hindsight) I’d attribute the ‘assistance’ to God rather than angels, but who knows he may have used people or sent angels in human form to do certain works and say certain things that led to certain outcomes. Or maybe it was just in my head (ha ha say the non-believers) and there was an invisible ‘angel’ so to speak, that steered me on my way ever closer to God.

  • I have seen a spirit when I was a child. The vision is still as clear today (50 years on) as it was back then. I believe that spirit was watching over me.

  • I do believe in Angels, that they watch over us, and fight for us, but then I also do believe in God, and that there is a spiritual battle going on over all of our lives.

  • I believe. Thanks for the reminder, I haven’t asked for help in awhile.

  • I believe there is something I don’t like to label it but yes I ask for help at times .

  • I believe in something …not sure I would label or name it but have definitely felt different presences at many different times, some have felt friendlier than others and some have made me want to leave a place but I figure it’s a feeling for a reason and intuition is there to help us.

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