
Do you shower or bath young kids? Do you do it morning and night of just once a day? My kids are 2&3 yrs and they shower together every night and have done for the last year and a half. They don’t have shower in morning as our morning routine is busy. They DO get a good clean with wipes when changing their nappy in the morning. I ask this as my partner was in a mood this morning and wanted to whinge and because they don’t shower in the morning so I was a wondering what everyone else does? Do you shower of bath young kids?

Posted by anon, 30/05/13

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  • When they were younger they often had a bath in the morning. Now we moved it to the evening as they get dirty during the day. My younger kids have baths, my teenagers have mostlyshowers.

  • I bathed the kids when they were small and then when they were a bit older I just asked them if they are ready for the shower , but only if they could be a bit independent with washing themselves.I think early evenings ( before dinner )is better because kids play and get dirty during the day .

  • My little guy gets a shower most days at night. Sometimes he has a bath if our routine is running to plan. He gets to play and we have a chat about the day. If he hasn’t had a particularly messy.grubby day then sometimes he’ll go to bed without a shower.

  • I bathed my kids until they were about 4-5 years old. It was once a day, at night, after tea and before bed. Yours were very young to start showers

  • I shower toddlers but bath babies especially ones that dont sit up yet

  • Bath before bed is the routine in our house, I think it helps them sleep better.

  • Depending on the day my 3 year old is showered or bathed either morning or night, she loves being in water and would spent the whole day in the bath if I let her.

  • We do it once a day, usually at night. 🙂

  • One shower or bath depending at night. Not in the mornings. Although as you have a 3yr old i would start showering them separately to teach privacy

  • if it’s needed during the day otherwise just once after dinner/ before bed

  • Morning, shower unless it is needed at night.

  • I bathe mine!!

  • I do it of a morning unless they are very dirty then tey will have one at night. I give my son showers now but it used to be baths until he turned 1.

  • Sometimes mine need one in the middle of the day if they have been playing but usually at night and a bath more fun than a shower

  • Mine gets a bath after dinner before bed and that’s it.

  • we either shower or bathe the kids of an evening, it helps them sleep better of a night because warm water is a relaxant

  • I do both depending on how much time I have & its a nightly ritual to wash the day’s grime away. Showers are nice & quick whereas with a bath you need to be in there supervising & they want to play so it takes up more of my time. The season also factors in. Showers more in Summer, baths more in winter.

  • Gotta love men in a mood, my two kids, 8 months and 11 years only shower or bath at night unless there has been an accident through the night

  • I do both, depending on how much time I have.

  • I shower when I am in a hurry or if they are being a little crazy as jumping a playing in bath can be dangerous, i find that when they are in the shower they don’t move and I can wash them and get them out fast. If they are ok with their energy levels I let them have a bath but only one at a time so they can play with their toys without fighting.

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