
Spitting anywhere is disgusting and a bad habit. When sportspeople spit do you think this is disgusting and a bad example?

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  • Yes, spitting is in my opinion not social acceptable.
    Spitting in public is currently considered rude and a social taboo in many parts of the world including the West, while in some other parts of the world it is considered more socially acceptable. Spitting upon another person, especially onto the face, is a global sign of anger, hatred, disrespect or contempt.
    But is some cultures spitting is considered more acceptable. When I traveled in China I was shocked by the amount of people spitting in public there ! Spitting in public is a common sight in China, from cities to rural areas. Residents can be seen spitting in the middle of the streets and in front of the others without concern. While in China, many people view spitting as a cleansing action for the body. It should also be acknowledged that many Asian cultures see the Western act of blowing or sneezing in public into a handkerchief and then putting that into a pocket as truly disgusting and much worse than spitting….

  • I think it’s awful. I always wince if and when I see it.

  • Yes, it’s not a good role model for children. That’s how TB is spread not to mention all the other germs.

  • It is the most filthy thing to witness by anyone spitting! Our sportsmen should be setting a better example for our kids as they all mimic their idols.

  • Yes, I hate it, especially footballers as they then roll around on the ground where they’ve all been spitting!

  • Yes I do think it is disgusting

  • I think spitting is disgusting period.

  • Depends on the situation if they are walking down the street and they spit yes no one needs to see ! but if they are in the middle of play and they are filmed after having a drink need to clear their throat NO!! They are on camera at all times and have no privacy Give them a break… We need to teach our kids that it only acceptable in certain situations….. Not to be done in every day life….

  • yes I do! people even girls spitting on footpath or anywhere disgusts me. We all may have to cough and when we have cold can get phlem in our mouths but using a tissue or othercontainwe to throw awat or if under Dr orders saved to show the Dr in container they provid. So Iso agree not appropriate to me anywat or others to see or walk on yuk!

  • Yes this is so gross and horrible. Do not like it at all

  • Yes. It is disgusting no matter who the person spitting is. I don’t want my son to grow up thinking that it’s okay because his idol on tv does it.

  • I do find them disgusting, but if they have a flum (spelling) in their throat that needs to come out, of course spit it out will solve the solution. but if its just salvia fun spit, no. they can spit when nobody is watching as that is what I do when I go running. I spit flum out when nobody is watching and in the bush.

  • I think it is disgusting to zoom in on it and include it in footage. While aerobic exercise does produce mucus the media seems to highlight spitting in certain sports based on the way the sport is covered for TV. Football/soccer/baseball is covered in a particular way with close ups of certain players just after they’ve scored etc. and this tends to capture the spit. Coverage of other events seems to catch the moment less. You don’t usually see track athletes spitting, tennis players, basketball players, indoor netball etc. Also for some sports (aerobic enough to generate excess mucus) the player decides not to spit because it will make the floor slippery etc. so the athlete can do their bit too!

  • Discussing the reasons not to spit with children does work.

  • yeah I don’t like to see it

  • Spitting can cause the spread of ‘nasties’ and should be discouraged.

  • It certainly is gut retching when you see someone do it but in all fairness they can’t really stop the game to call for a tissue.

  • Yes it is horrible to see. I also hate it when you see spit on a footpath.

  • Yes, it’s a really disgusting habit.

  • Yes they are role models and should be setting an example I have six brothers and three sons and none of them spit disgusting

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