DS was born 39wks, 2.9kg, 48cm long, left hospital 1wk 2.47kg 48.5cm long DS is now 11mo and weighs 7.8kg, 68 cm long. Three months ago he was 68cm and about 7kg so slow weight gain (been like this since birth but it’s slowed down further) and no length growth. Breastfed and hardly eats solids yet no matter how hard I try (maybe 1 tsp worth at breaky and dinner and some biscuits in between). He has been monitored every 2-3 m the last checkup he was asked to be seen sooner (4-6wks). My peads hasn’t really said much about it but he will just be a small child but I don’t think it’s normal to gain weight this slow and stop growing in length and now it’s concerning he wants to see him sooner than normal. I have a negative over reactive mind and need reassurance or even some questions I should be asking at the next check?
Klsmith91 said
- 27 Aug 2015
coastalkaryn said
- 13 Jul 2015
naughty little angel said
- 08 Aug 2014
Statho2000 said
- 07 Aug 2014
Kelly said
- 05 Aug 2014
damish70 said
- 05 Aug 2014
neat22 said
- 05 Aug 2014
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