Danzafly- I was just looking for general info ,i guess. I have my first appointment next week,and i’ve still got no idea what to expect,it’s just making me nervous, I wasn’t expecting to be dealing with dentures just yet.
I have a partial upper. I used to have wires which secured it onto the surviving teeth. But I found the wires were making my own teeth loose. So the next set I told the dentist No Wire. He was hard to convince but I insisted. I have had that denture for many years now and no problems. Still have my other teeth with no problems. I floss and use interdental brushes every day. When I know I am going to eat something tough like steak I use Polident (in a tube). One small piece is enough to hold thru the meal and beyond. Most times the normal suction of your mouth is enough to hold the denture in place. If I am going out with others I use the Polident. (I don’t want it popping out when I laugh) Ha! Dentists may not like this but it works well for me. love to all Lyn
I have about 20 crowns and some gaps in my mouth from crowns that had to be removed. When more needs to be removed, the next step would be either implants or dentures. Implants would have my preference but I don’t have the money for that.
In waiting for a bridge to be placed (for insurance reasons) I had once a temporary denture. It’s low costs, easy to maintain and cosmetic a good option.
No – but I have a friend with partial dentures and by following dental hygiene care and instructions is happy with the results. It is impossible to tell that they are partial dentures.
I have had a partial denture, top plate only, for the past 28years. It was one of the best choices in my life. Funnally enough Iam just in the process of getting a new plate made. Back when I first went to a dentist I was petrafide but in pain from bad teeth. I found I couldnt take the plate out for the first month as it was to painfull putting it back in, but u get use to it and the best thing is all these years later I still have the confidence to hold my head up and smile.
Thanks ladies, I’ve had all the prep work done with a dentist, what a shocking experience that was about 3-4 grand worth of prep work and I’ve seen a local denture clinic and have received a quote for $14,00 which is reasonable. I’m just saving up before i go to the appointment now.But it’s all nerve wracking.
I came here looking for advice too. I have a couple of gaps and will soon most likely lose another tooth meaning I will need a partial denture. When the time comes I guess I will look for a dental technician and go from there. Good luck Shannen.
mom160421 said
- 13 Nov 2019
Shannen said
- 08 Aug 2017
mom260932 said
- 05 Aug 2017
Danzafly said
- 23 Jul 2017
mom112217 said
- 19 Jul 2017
celebrity said
- 13 Jul 2017
Ellen said
- 10 Jul 2017
mom93821 said
- 09 Jul 2017
mom104802 said
- 09 Jul 2017
Shannen said
- 08 Jul 2017
mom111059 said
- 06 Jul 2017
mom160421 said
- 06 Jul 2017
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