
We’re a family of carnivores who feast on traditional Christmas fare. This year I’m also carpet ring for some vegetarian friends and don’t want to serve up anything too bland and boring. Any suggestions would be great, thanks!

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  • How about Prawn Cocktail, Vegetarian Lasagna, Greek salad etc.

  • Carrot, Coconut, Cashew and Currant salad is always festively colourful and delicious

  • Yes, plum pudding, trifle, chocolate log, raspberry pavlova………who needs ham or turkey.

  • Have a look at some Vegetarian cook books and jazz it up with using vege’s with Christmas colours. Good Luck :)

  • You could make a delicious spinach and feta tart. I like to make the base of crushed up chesse biscuits mixed with butter. It is to die for, not the healthiest but then again for Christmas you dont mind. It’s delicious paired with a fresh salad too.

  • I’d add savory vegetarian muffins (similar to the quiche idea) and I do a stuffing bake- pre-mixed stuffing mix, tomatoes and creamed corn mixed-up and then baked separately to the bird makes a yummy vegan extra dish for the table. Good luck!

  • A good dish that you could easily prepare in advance would be to make a veggie quiche full of things like mushrooms, corn, capsicum, onion, tomato baby spinach and the like. Quiche also freezes well so you could make it well in advance if you wanted.
    There are lots of salads you could make: pesto pasta salad, cous cous salad, rice salad etc. I love to grill some haloumi just before serving a cous cous salad. Pop it on top and serve immediately. Yum!
    A lot of people add bacon to their potato bakes but it is still delicious with out the bacon too. As a vegetarian, if I went to someones house and they had quiche, potato bake and a salad on offer I’d be totally stoked with both the food and the effort the host has put in for me. I would generally offer to bring something along as well so as to alleviate the stress of additional catering for the host. With luck your friends will make a similar offer.
    Good luck with it. I’m sure that the last thing your friends would want would be for you to stress about their food options so if it seems to hard, go the salad options only and if you’re doing a BBQ, get some big mushrooms and some haloumi and grill those up with some soy sauce on the day. Depending on how pedantic they are though they might prefer if their food is cooked away from the meat.
    I hope this helps :-)

  • Thanx Mom88503 – I was thinking what the hell is carpet ring?

  • Are they vegetarian or vegan.? Vegans also don’t eat any form of dairy products or animal by-products?

  • I hope you like this one!
    Quinoa, brown lentils, cauliflower, cranberries and pistachio nuts. Dressed with lemon juice and olive oil
    I cooked the quinoa in a pan (14 minutes, 1 cup of water for 1 cup of quinoa). In another pan I cooked one onion for 7 minutes more or less and then I added one can of brown lentils. A couple of minutes, out. I cut half cauliflower in small florets and dipped in a mix of flour and cumin, then fried them in oil for around 10 minutes. At the end I mixed everything together adding the pistachio, cranberries, olive oil, lemon juice and some salt. That’s it.

  • I think ‘carpet ring’ was an autocorrect for catering :-)

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