
She has the right understanding of its good for her but just doesn’t want to eat it..

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  • I found that getting them into the kitchen to help cook worked best for me. Although my struggle was with vegetables which was a lot easier to get hands on than meat. For a 6 year old you could also arrange the food to represent different things, strips of meat being the mouth on a face with vegetables representing the other features.

  • I wouldn’t force her if she doesn’t want to eat it, just give her a balanced diet. I am not big meat eater I rather chicken and fish just wondered if you have tried them. My kids wouldn’t eat some foods when young but ate when older so you have to just let her not feel that she has to.

  • My 6 year old is the same. But i don’t push her to eat them.I just try them with pasta, pastry.fried rice.

  • I wouldn’t try push her too much into eating it, as it might discourage her more. Instead maybe just keep putting it on her plate as you normally would and let her be the one to make the decision when she wants to eat it. Does she dislike all meat, or just like whole meats but still okay eating something like Bolognese? Maybe try change up the kind of meals or meats you’re making to see if she might prefer something else.
    Just make sure she is eating a balanced diet as best she can to make up for any nutrients you might be worried she is lacking.

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