
Wanting to share these with an elderly relative.

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  • The best brain activities are like puzzles, try nyt sudoku and other puzzles.

  • Nyt sudoku is a great brain activity.

  • Puzzles like sudoku or crosswords… or there are lots of mobile phone apps you can use.

  • I love doing puzzles, especially Sudoku.

  • Any kind of reading is good there are also shows you can also find apps I’m pretty sure

  • Learning a new language is meant to be a great brain activity. Learning anything new is meant to be you’d for the brain

  • My daughter studied aged care. They were taught that simple activities using your non preferred hand works wonders. Eg if you’re normally right handed, use your left hand to write or brush your teeth etc

  • Aussieladee – thank you for taking your time to submit a long and comprehensive answer which is packed full of really helpful and intelligent information on brain activities. Your effort and time is such a giving act – thanks again. Sorry to hear about your brain injury and I am so impressed with your determination to remap your pathways – inspirational.

  • There are masses of apps and on line games to improve brain function. Also things like soduku and bridge are really good.

  • Anything with puzzles. After I had a brain injury which killed off about 1/4 of my brain I played card games such as solitaire & then other puzzle games on a computer, I bought games from Big Fish Games online which you install on a computer & they are cheap. Mahjong, scrabble, solitaire/patience (cards), crosswords which you can get in books from the newsagent as well as other games which are good for the brain. Jigsaws if they are not affected too much by arthritis.
    By using those types of games I was able to remap the pathways in my brain in the right front lobe & the doctors were shocked when they did some tests on me showing that I had been able to get it functioning better. Memory & learning is located in the right front lobe region which is what starts to deteriorate as we age & the brain is something that needs to be exercised regularly.
    If you are looking to improve the brain function because of memory loss that we see in Dementia or Alzheimer’s any of the above will help but may I also suggest some music therapy. Music plays a significant role in helping memory improve as well as mental health welfare, by listening to the music they grew up will help. Check with the local RSL or other clubs nearby if they have a 60’s rock n roll bank on that they could go to, if they are still able to dance all the better but if not just sit & listen. Their favourite music will trigger memories of when they were younger which again stimulates the brain. Depending on how their hands are with arthritis there are adult colouring books which are good to use, sounds childish but it isn’t as the images are far more detailed. I bought a book recently because my internet was out for some time so it gave me something to do & I am 54.

  • Thanks for the answer – looking for a good book with activities as they will not use the internet or online sites. They are in their 80’s.

  • Depends on the age group, side of brain you want to engage…. Google has some great sites.

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