
Does anyone work from home? I work 3 days a week and take care of my 11 month old son, this week has been so busy with work I am exhausted. Does anyone have tips to make life easier re: cooking and cleaning?

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  • I wish. I’d love to work from home!

  • I don’t but a know a person who does and they love it,it’s adjusting to seperating work and home duties.

  • I work from home but only on the days my son is home from Childcare and I actually find it easier to be organised the days I’m in the office and he’s at care and my daughter in after school care. I meal plan so that helps with dinner time – I have defrosted the meat I need or have what I need prepared done and then I pick them up, cook dinner and the rest of the evening routine. Also, not being home the house doesn’t get as messy. In the evening once the kids have gone to bed I do a “sweep” of the house and move things out of living room/kitchen that aren’t meant to be there, chuck a load of washing on for the morning and then relax. Those 5 minutes in the evening save me heaps of time the following morning

  • Everything is routine! Looking after yourself is key to keeping up!

  • Organise your day and have a schedule and follow it. Separate the two work duties and home duties. Try and do some things ahead of time if possible such as freezing meals.

  • Definitely routine and try and keep work and housework separate

  • Set specific times for your work, and specific times for house work. Act as if once it hits say 9am, your at work, yes attend to bubs, but no other house work until say 4pm. Then set aside days to do each task, Mondays vacuuming and mopping, Tuesdays bathrooms, Washing Wednesdays (lol there is a whole Facebook phenomenon about this one!) etc By breaking the house chores into lots you get more done, also allocate jobs to anyone else that lives in the house too (you will be surprised what an older kid will do or even a hubby).

  • get into a routine! do a little bit each day!

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