
I’ve seen the Nina Silk hair removal pad advertised and was wondering whether anyone has tried it, and does it work?

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  • Oh, I haven’t heard of this hair removal technique. Doesn’t seem to be all that crash hot so think I’ll give it a miss

  • I never used it and haven’t had any trouble with hair removal thank goodness.

  • I was given one when a friend got a 2 for 1 deal, and it does remove hair… Eventually. I’m pretty over it, takes about 40 mins per half leg, and still have random patches to touch up.

  • Thanks Mom165081. Your answer does help. I wondered whether the pad would damage the skin whilst it’s removing the hair, and based on your answer, I think I’ll stick to shaving or waxing.

  • I have tired a different product that sounds and looks very similar – essentially a fine sandpaper – yes these things work and they certainly exfoliate. Only marginally better than shaving. I still prefer other hair removal methods. I have taken to IPL and had immediate results way better than anything else. Hope this helps.

  • I have seen the ad on late night TV.

  • i have not even heard of this pad lol. my rock is very comfortable lol.

  • I was planning to post this question! So glad you posted this question as I am super keen to know if it works too. I saw the ad on TV and am keen to read about anyone using this product.

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