
Hey all,

Does any one have any tips introducing a pretty hyper dog to a their toddler? Obviously observe their interactions, tell the little one to leave the dog alone and try to explain dog body language to them, but anything else?


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  • You could try introducing the dog to something that smells like the toddler. Make that a positive experience for the dog first.

  • Neither a dog nor a toddler can be trusted around eachother, so yes supervision at all time is important. I would take the dog for dog training too

  • Never leave them alone together, don’t turn your back even for a second. If you don’t have to introduce them, then don’t

  • Ooh. TBH, I’d wait till the child is older if you have the option…

  • A hypo dog won’t change so always on the lead or on a chain so the toddler can approach without being knocked over

  • Dog training is always good for dogs and teaches them how to behave and for their owners and family to have control and responsibility for their dog. Dogs respond well to training and rewards; maybe source places that provide training.

  • Not sure it is worth the effort? But do not know circumstances

  • As others have stated, introduce the toddlers scent to the dog before meeting. Have the dog on a leash so you have some control, and be attentive. Hopefully a beautiful bond is formed between the two.

  • I think having the dog on a lead for control is the first thing. Training for the dog is vital. Distractions to keep the dog occupied like the child throwing the ball. Going for walks is good as they get used to each other but are both distracted.

  • Plenty of supervision and limited contact between both and ongoing training for the dog.

  • Use a lead. Take hypo for a walk and run off first then walk dog inside to meet the child, have some treats to help distract maybe too.

  • I’ve no dog myself, but interesting to read the answers

  • I have two very active dalmations who just want to show their love. To introduce initially, my husband brought home a blanket with the baby’s smell on it (we did this for all three kids). Then, hubby held baby and got down to my paw babies levels and let them sniff. Even when we come home and the dogs see us, they loved to smell. As soon as they’ve had a sniff, they calm down and get a pat from the kids. Love love love their interactions and relationship.

  • If your dog goes manic like mine with toys or squeaky toys, remove them. Also if your toddler has any toys or socks the dog would be interested in, hide these too. My toddler hates it when the dog is interested in his stuff.
    If possible try and get the toddler to feed the dog, and interact with animals together. Introductions should be short at first.
    Also interactions after they have both exerted energy and are more likely to just sit are good too.

  • We’ve got a groodle and he gets excites me and very pawsy, when our 5 month old is on their mat he gets excited so we’ve kept lead on, had him sit in his bed near by and rewarded him when he is calm and included.

    So special seeing them with pets but does take a bit of getting them used to each other.

    Good luck x

  • I agree with the post below. A slow introduction would be best for both but insuring they are monitored at all times.

  • Brief introductions with lots of supervision are key at first. Give your dog a designated area (crate, bed) where they can retreat if feeling overwhelmed.

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