
my husband and I want to try for another baby, i have heard it is hard to fall pregnant whilst breastfeeding, is there something i can do to encourage pregnancy without weaning my baby?

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  • Breastfeeding (or LAM) is only effective as contraception if 1. Bub is under 6 months. 2. Bub is exclusively breastfed (no food or forumla) and 3. Your periods have not returned.
    You can block feed bub to encourage fertility too.

  • If you have started your period again then you can fall pregnant. There are many people who believe that breast feeding is a form of contraception but they are wrong. I don’t believe you need to wean your child, while its not something I would do, there are plenty of mums who continue to breastfeeding a toddler whilst they feed a newborn.

  • My periods returned as soon as my son dropped the night feeds and started sleeping through. This was at about 3 months for me. I have a friend who wasnted to get pregnant whilst breastfeeding so she would express during the day and feed baby expressed milk at the night time feed to eliminate breastfeeding overnight, this seemed to work for her.

  • I had a baby few weeks ago and more than one midwife told me that we can fall pregnant while breastfeeding. I didn’t ask how as if we don’t ovulate how can we fall pregnant?….

  • We are in a similar fashion. My friend said that as soon as the nighttime feeds stop, your menstrual cycle is likely to return. At 4 months, my son’s 10pm and 1am feeds stopped and my menstrual cycle commenced straight away. Now we are able to plan for baby number 2.

  • The Lactational Amenorrhea Method, known as LAM, is part of the World Health Organization’s list of accepted and effective methods of family planning. Studies show LAM to be 98% effective, as effective as the pill and other modern methods, when used according to guidelines.
    Three criteria can be used to predict the return of your fertility.
    * Have you had a menstrual bleed?
    * Are you giving regular supplementary foods or foods or fluids to your baby in addition to breastfeeding?
    *Is your infant older than 6 months of age? being the age they often start some solids…
    Sleeping through the night for example also makes that there will be bigger gaps between the breastfeeds and this will increase your fertility.

  • from many people i have met while breast feeding they have got pregnant,no reason notto, so all tje best. Youwant it some of those did not ad thought safe while breastfeeding, a falasy

  • Breastfeeding does suppress the return of your body ovulating but once you start ovulating again it doesn’t stop you getting pregnant. Without weaning there’s nothing I know of that returns your period… but once it does return look out for egg white muccus/fertile symptoms and make the most of those times ;)

  • I believe that is a fallacy . Once you get your cycle back , pregnancy can happen anytime . I would get a checkup anyway with your GP and then go from there . I am 11 months older than my brother so my mother must’ve fell pregnant after two months .

  • Everyone is different but i fell pregnant twice while breastfeeding so there is still a chance.

  • Its good to know about all these answers thanks

  • Not true i fell pregnant (twice and both planned while breastfeeding). As long as your period is back to normal you can fall pregnant. Some people periods can take longer to go back to normal but mine was back to normal within 10 weeks..

  • Wow thank you so much!! My Bub is 6 months at the moment, we haven’t started trying yet, we will in the next few months! :-) I’d much rather go in feeling positive and like its a possibility then not! So thank you for all your positive answers! x

  • I had a baby few weeks ago and the midwives and my doctor told me that we can fall pregnant while breastfeeding. So keep trying and you will get there soon. Good luck!

  • I know of a Mum who became pregnant who hadn’t even started getting her periods again.

  • It is possible to get pregnant while feeding. If you have your period you can get pregnant as easy as any other month. Good luck.

  • While people say you can’t get pregnant while breastfeeding there is a real possibility that you can. if your period has returned then your ovulation cycle would be at work so just try during your most fertile days. It may not be as easy as it would be if you weren’t breastfeeding but there’s a good chance.

  • It is quite possible to fall pregnant whilst breastfeeding. It is not 100% effective as a contraceptive. How old is your baby? Some babies will self wean whilst you are pregnant & others can continue to successfully breastfeed right through pregnancy and beyond. Speak to an ABA counsellor and other health professionals for the best advice.

  • breastfeeding only works as a “contraceptive” for want of a better word for the first 6 months after that it has no effect. Also once you fall pregnant baby will probably self wean as your milk can go sour.

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