
So it turns out my cousin was having an affair. Her husband is devastated and he’s a really nice guy, a true gentleman.

Due to her infidelity they are getting divorced.

Am I wrong to cut out my cousin from my life in favour of her preserving my relationship with her husband? I mean he is not to blame and I think he should be supported.

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  • I’d want more information from your cousin before I cut them out. If there are no other issues for you with your cousin, I wouldn’t cut them out. Affair’s are not good but until I had 100% of the info, I wouldn’t cut them out. Time passes and in future years you may regret cutting them off. Be sure before you do anything.

  • In my opinion yes I think that would be wrong. You can’t talk to both? Unless you have other issues with your cousin that you haven’t mentioned here?

  • Why get involved and cut either out? You can still be mutual

  • Do what feels right to you. Nobody can decide who you do or don’t support except you.

  • I don’t think you have to cut her out, but you should tell her you are also choosing to remain friends with her soon to be ex-husband.

  • I don’t think you should cut either of them out. You need to be a neutral party. Your cousin is family after all.

  • Can you not remain friends with both? If your cousin doesn’t like it you can tehn think about cutting ties with her. Hope all goes well.

  • You should try to keep a relationship with both.

  • No reason to cut ties with your cousin. You also don’t know the reasoning behind the betrayal and in no means is that acceptable, but try having a relationship with both parties. It’s not like your cousin is giving you an ultimatum to stop talking to the ex husband

  • If you have angry feelings towards your cousin tell her that what she did was very uncalled for but you still live her. Perhaps her story runs deep. Perhaps she didn’t feel beautiful enough and was battling with those feelings within herself. Stay friends with both as they both need support right now but let them know that you will absolutely not take sides. Watch Iyanla Vanzant Fix My Life full episodes on YouTube. She always has great advice on how to deal with these things. Do not ley them feel abandoned. That’s the worst thing for them to feel

  • Why would you need to cut her off? Yes she is in the wrong, but could you not have a relationship with both of them?

  • Yes, you are wrong. If you get along with your cousin, no reason to cut contact. No reason why you can’t be there for both people. You don’t know why she had an affair, she could be unhappy. Anyway, it’s not for you to judge

  • Unsure why you need to cut someone completely, it doesn’t directly affect you. You can be civil to both sides without supporting the cousin for the wrong doing

  • No your totally right, i would do the same thing. I have cousins i havent spoken to in 11 years and it has made zero difference to my life. Keep those around you who you truly love.

  • I think it’s great of you to support the one that truly needs it the most. I’ve seen people side with those in the wrong just cause they are family. Great work! I would do the same.

  • I agree he needs support, but you don’t have to be black and white and cut her out altogether.

  • I reckon just be civil, taking sides seems immature and at the end of the day it’s really none of your business, it wasn’t your relationship so just stay out of it and be supportive to the partner if that’s what you want

  • I agree, I wouldn’t cut your cousin totally out of your life because she made this mistake. In the end, who are we to judge ? we don’t know the full story and we all make mistakes indeed. Nothing with supporting her ex, but maybe don’t turn your back at her

  • Whatever decision is made do allow time for due consideration of all factors.

  • If they have kids they’ll need to have an ongoing relationship. Try to find a way to stay civil with both.

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