
Was just wondering if getting the Flu jab is a good idea I have so many allergies I am scared that I might have a reaction to the Vaccination

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  • Do you have a family doctor or pharmacist who you can speak to? They can give you the best medical advice about whether or not your suitable for having the flu vaccine. It will help ease all your worries you have as well as answer any concerns you have about it.

  • Let your own immune system do its thing. I had a flu shot once, never again.. for me, I was on the floor within 30 mins of getting the shot. I had no energy, my body was aching, I was sweating heavily. It was horrible. Natural immunity is there for a reason.

  • if you are not allergic to eggs or cosmetics like moisturisers and creams… you are unlikely to have any kind of reaction to the flu jab. The flu mutates every year so yearly is better for immunity.

  • I had a really bad flu years ago and I have a few allergies I would not wish a bad bout of flu on anyone I’d rather have the jab and my allergies weren’t affected by it. Maybe speak to your doctor first to discuss your allergies and possible reactions you may have.

  • If you have not had it before, you probably will not need it as you will have a stronger natural immunity. If you have had it before, then you cannot react to it and definitely need it so your body can help fight off the very strong veins this year.

  • We always get ours and have been fine

  • We get ourselves every year. Can’t say it’s been great since we still seem to catch the flu

  • I haven’t had one in years and when I used to get them (back in my office days) I would always get sick a week later… 🙁

  • I don’t like to get the flu vaccine unless I’m pregnant. It is a personal choice though and you should research ingredients so you can make an informed choice.

  • I too have many allergies but have the flu vaccine. It’s a great way to help protect yourself and your family from getting sicker with the flu.

  • It’s always best to consult with your healthcare provider before making a decision about getting the flu jab, especially if you have allergies. They can assess your individual situation and provide personalized advice based on your medical history and current health status. In some cases, it may be recommended to proceed with caution or consider alternative options. Remember that the flu jab is designed to provide protection against the flu virus and its potential complications, so discussing your concerns with a healthcare professional can help you make an informed decision.

  • It’s a personal choice. It s a no from me but happy to give to anyone who wants it

  • Personally I don’t think it’s necessary. Most people I know that get it get it due to being forced to because they work in a hospital etc. I have never had one, and politely declined during both pregnancies due to the list of potential side effects and the ingredients which are listed on the actual product information leaflet by the manufacturer and not given out by the hospitals, doctors. You can search for this information leaflet online to read more about it and make an informed decision.

    I don’t know about all of them, but some are not even tested for safety in pregnant women or breastfeeding women, as stated in their product information leaflet, such as the Flucelvax Quad. If you google ‘ Flucelvax® Quad (Influenza virus haemagglutinin)’ this info is available from the pdf link from Seqirus, should be one of the top few suggested websites.

    Doctors also get financial benefits for fully vaccinating patients including the flu shot which I find unethical. They are like a big pharma salesman. Not all, but many.

  • Check with your GP regarding reactions, but I personally think having a flu jab is a good idea.

  • i need to for my job. It is a personal choice if you believe it is not right t then just go with your gut.

  • I suggest discussing with your doctor as they would understand your health conditions/risk factors. I personally get it every year, but have no other health conditions or allergies.

  • I’ve only ever gotten it twice and it was because I was pregnant both times so the nurse made me.
    Other than that, I don’t get it as I’d rather my body build up its own immunity to these sorts of things!
    If you have heaps of allergies but are thinking of getting it, probably best to speak to the doctor first to see if it’s okay.

  • I suffer with many allergies and haven’t had a bad reaction to the flu jab yet, i didn’t get it this year and have been sick many times this year, theres a lot of influenza around at present so i would get it and be prepared with whatever you take for your allergies just incase, they will likely get you to sit in the doctors office for a while if you are feeling unsure.

  • Allergic reactions to the flu vaccine are very rare. It is more likely that you might experience flu like symptoms as you are essentially being injected with a weakened form of the virus that your body will be able to fight off more effectively and then store the antibodies, as opposed to contracting the full version and having a harder time at fighting it.

  • I’ve had it twice. Got stupidly sick both times. Refused to get it ever since

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