
My just turned 3rd has started a nightly routine of getting up at who knows what time eating a feast watching tv and falling asleep on the couch?? I dont know how to stop it i wake up and hes on the couch asleep wth our dog then is so cranky for the day

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  • I would discourage eating and watching tv in the night. You could take for example the tv remote away and put a lock on the pantry

  • Maybe give him his evening meal a little later and let him go to bed a little later.
    We had a problem with our 3 year old waking up crying and wandering around. We sought medical advice. We were advised that around 3 y.o. they develop a very strong imagination which can cause nightmares or just wake them up. I would trying telling him no TV after he goes to bed at night. If you have to, hide the remote or even switch it off at the power point. In sheer desperation my cousin lied and told her daughter that the battery was flat. First time I’ve ever known her to lie but she was desperate. Maybe he misses the dog when he wakes up too. He maybe using the dog as a “security blanket”. I don’t know what to suggest re the dog.

  • My 3.5 year old wakes two to three times a night yelling out for his dad. We have a 10 month old that still wakes and I am 18 weeks pregnant haha
    I’ve actually just purchased a toddlers weighted blanket on line so fingers crossed that helps keep my toddler asleep through the night

  • Hahahahaha cheeky little man! My grandson has just been weaned from his dummy so he went through a phase of getting up at all hours. Not sure you have the same issue tho

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