
I’m wondering how long it took for the tree to produce fruit? And if you can recommend anything from leaves turning yellow?

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  • I’ve heard that you need another avocado tree in the vicinity for cross pollination to work.

  • As I understand it takes a long time

  • I’m sorry, I don’t have an answer, but I haven’t figured out how to look at other people’s answers (I’m interested) without typing something in first.

  • I have heard it takes 7 years

  • I tried. I had an avocado seed suspended in water for weeks, no roots appeared. Which is kinda ok as I dont think Tassie is the right climate to grow them anyway

  • Takes years and years! But they look great as plants

  • I have not grown an avocado from seed, but look forward to reading the answers!

  • We have a small plant grown from seed but have read that they are unlikely to fruit. Like many fruits your better off buying a grafted one if you want fruit.

  • I’ve heard that they are unlikely to fruit if you are growing from the seed. The plants do look nice though. I have 2 I’m working on at the moment.
    I know for a regular avo tree it takes about 7 years to fruit.

  • I’d like to know this too as we go through sooooooo many avocados. I’ve never tried before as I heard it takes about 7-10 years before you get any fruits?

  • I have been growing one for about 1.5 years and the other is just a baby of about 6 months. I don’t actually hold much hope that they will ever fruit. I have heard it can take 10 years to happen or that it might never happen. I will continue to care for them and hope for the best.

  • I heard you need to wait 5years for first avocado

  • We have just planted one, hoping for the best. Looking here for tips.

  • I’ve tried and failed.

  • My mil did, took a couple of years to fruit. That was in Sydney. Think variety makes a big difference

  • I would like to know this too, I’ve planted many seed unsuccessfully.

  • Mines still growing…very slowly..I’m not getting my hopes up just yet

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