
It could be a coincidence but it seems that when I eat sweet potato, my 4 month old breatfed baby screams in pain.

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  • Some babies may truly be allergic to sweet potatoes, so look out for signs of vomiting, rashes, and diarrhoea. The most common allergic reaction is bloating and stomach gas due to indigestion. I would just drop sweet potato in your diet as long as you breastfeed and see if the symptoms disappear

  • I have never heard of an allergy because of sweet potato. Could there be another reason why baby crys?

  • If you’re still worried, check with a dietitian or paediatric nurse at a health clinic.

  • I’m not a dr but it doesn’t sound like an allergy – I’d suggest some root veg (potato and sweet potato) can cause constipation. Perhaps keep a food diary and see when bub has periods of being unsettled. You can also try infacol for wind (not sure what age you can use this from)

  • Wow, that’s different, a reaction to sweet potato. Are you 100% suite? It’s not hard to eliminate it from your diet, phew! I guess we’re all individuals and can be allergic to anything

  • Sorry – somehow posted the comment below to the wrong place. Having trouble with this site (or maybe it’s just me!) today!

  • Whoops sorry posted too soon. I found sleeping bags great at that age for keeping them warm – especially in the colder months.

  • yeah it is probably giving bub lots of wind

  • Sorry to hear that. Keep a diary of when you eat it and when your baby cries in pain. I would first stop taking it for a week, just to clear your body off it( not that it should take that long but just to be assured).

  • no my kids haven’t had an issue, they always loved it. maybe your bubby really doesn’t like it or needs to be introduced to it later on. try adding some breast milk or formula and see if that makes it a more acceptable taste

  • I have heard quite a few babies having issues with sweet potato. I would definitely stick to some of the other blander veges, and when you try it again if it is still a problem, contact your GP for another opinion. 🙂

  • No never herd of this but I wouldn’t be eating it if it has happened more than 2 or 3 times. good luck

  • yes my daughter was allergic to so many thing it was a challenge to eat and still feed her. We went with very bland potatoes and pear till she weaned and then we did food challenges to find out what was going on. Good luck

  • Sorry mum I too read this wrong. I haven’t heard of this before with sweet potatoe, I have heard of other food and drink causing some issues though. Also they now say you can start feeding between the ages of 4 and 6 months to the other mum.

  • Does it happen with normal potato? Apple or Pear? Sometimes bubs take a while getting used to real food, but generally should never scream in pain. See your doc or nurse to make sure food is not the issue.

  • To the mum who posted below me, you haven’t read the question properly, Mum Lucy has not fed her baby sweet potato, it is Lucy who eats it and she is breast feeding her baby.

    Sorry Lucy, I haven’t heard of this, however I would check with your Doctor or just not eat sweet potato while breast feeding.

  • Yep mine was until about 1yr old of she ate it she would vomit and then o relised that she had had tummy aches when breastfeed earlier I just hadn’t relised what was doing it back then

  • Firstly, have they had anything else and had the same reaction? Secondly your not supposed to feed them until they are 6 months and if so before then only something like farex cereal stuff?? I think it’s because the stomach isn’t ready to digest solids and that because they can’t chew properly they could swallow something and that’s why you would use it really sloppy or mixed it with milk first off until they are ready. I would stop giving them the sweet potato and if your going to continue try them on something else and if you have the same reaction stick with milk for now? Or if it’s not the same just avoid the sweet potato for a little while and try again in say 4 weeks you’ll soon have an answer. I speak because I have a 6yo who has allergies from baby age… Hopefully that may have helped a little??

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